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本文对哈萨克斯坦东部地区地表82个采样点土壤样品进行经典统计学及地统计分析,探讨了表层土壤元素组成特征及其空间影响因素.首先对土壤元素含量平均值、变异系数等特征进行了计算,比较了土壤元素含量特征.哈萨克斯坦东部地区表层土壤样品中Co、Be、K、Mg、Na、Ca、Zn等元素的含量偏高,而Al、Fe等其余元素含量偏低.使用SPSS20.0对元素含量进行聚类分析.通过聚类分析可将20种元素分成2大类,每一类又分为两组.第一大类为Ca、Sr、K、Na、Be、Ba,为表生环境下活泼性较强的元素,其中Ca、Sr为一组,K、Na、Be、Ba为一组.另外一类为Pb、Zn、P、Fe、V、Al、C0、Ti、Mn、Cr、Ni、Cu、Li、Mg,为活动性相对较差的元素,其中Pb、Zn、P为一组,其他元素为另一组.在此基础之上,采用地统计学方法对这些土壤元素的空间格局及其影响因素进行了研究.并计算了分维数,其大小依次为:Zn〉A1〉Mg〉Li〉Be〉Ca〉P〉Pb〉Sr〉Na〉Ti〉Co〉Cr〉Cu(Fe)〉Ni〉V〉Mn〉K.Co、Cr、Cu、Fe、K、Mn、Ni、Ti、V在采样尺度下均具有空间相关性,相关程度中等或较强,虽然受到一些随机因素的影响(如区域人类活动等),但其结构特征并未被破坏.Pb、P空间结构特征不明显,zn已无空阃结构特征,该类元素受到一定程度的人为污染影响,随机因素特别是人为因素如耕作、采矿等方面对其空间分布特征造成破坏.而Al、Li、Na、Be、Mg这些元素在研究尺度上空间结构性差或不存在.影响因素复杂.活动性元素Ca在一个相对较小的范围内存在相关关系,Sr空间相关性较差.最后通过对该区重金属污染状况进行初步评价,发现Zn污染程度为轻度一偏重污染. “,”Based on the methods of classic statistics and geostatistics, the composition characteristics and spatial influencing factors of Topsoil elements in East Kazakhstan were studied. Firstly, the average values and coefficient variations of topsoil elements were calculated. The element contents (Co, Be, K, Mg,Na,Ca,Zn) are higher,the other elements such as A1 and Fe are lower. Using the software SPSS 20.0 for windows to conduct a cluster analysis, and the results showed that the elements of the soil can be divided into 2 groups : the first group are active elements, includes : Ca, Sr, Ba, K, Be, Na; the second group includes: P, Pb, Zn, A1, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Li, Mn, Ni, Ti, V, Mg. And then, The contents and spatial Distribution of Topsoil Elements in Uzbekistan were analyzed, and fractal dimensions were also estimated by the software of Gs +. The fractal dimensions sorted from the biggest to the lowest were as follows, Zn〉AI〉Mg〉Li》Be〉Ca〉P〉 Pb〉Sr〉Na〉Ti〉Co〉Cr〉Cu(Fe) 〉Ni〉V〉 Mn 〉 K. Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Ti, V have spatial correlations in the sampling scales, and the correlation degrees were strong to moderate correlation. Although the spatial correlations were influenced by random factors (e. g. human activities in the region), the spatial characteristics were not destroyed. The spatial characteristics of Pb, P are not obvious, and Zn does not have any spatial correlations. The elements in this group are polluted by human activities at some extent, and the random factors (such as farming and mining) have reached the extent of destroying the spatial characteristics. Al, Li, Na, Be, Mg have poor spatial correlation, or even no correlation. Ca, an active element, has spatial correlation in a relative small range, but Sr's spatial correlation is poor. At last, the pollution extents of heavy metals are evaluated initially, and the results show that Zn has polluted slightly to relative severely.
Objective:The aim of this study was evaluate the diagnostic value of computed tomography(CT) perfusion in breast cancer by the method of receiver operator chara
在刚闭幕的索契冬奥会上,由韩国改籍代表俄罗斯出战的维克多·安(韩国名字为安贤洙)一举为俄罗斯拿到本届冬奥会短道速滑项目的三块金牌。当维克多·安一次又一次地挥舞着俄罗斯国旗在冰场庆祝胜利时,东道主俄罗斯的观众欢声雷动。  为俄罗斯带来巨大荣誉的维克多·安得到了俄方的高度评价。俄罗斯奥委会发言人称,“维克多·安被俄拥戴为英雄,他高唱俄罗斯国歌,在俄实现了梦想,他对俄罗斯有强烈的爱国心,不仅是国籍,他的