创新质量治理机制 惠及企业切身利益(英文)

来源 :China Standardization | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaorixue
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Zhejiang,an eastern coastal province of China,ranks the fourth place in the country for its GDP contribution of 430 million yuan in 2015with an increase of 8 percent.The province has formed the economic structure featured with a large number of SMEs since the reform and opening up policy implemented in the 1980s.As of the end of June 2015,the registered enterprises in Zhejiang reach nearly 500,000,of which SMEs,accounting for 95%,contribute to over 60%of the province’s GDP. Zhejiang,an eastern coastal province of China,ranks the fourth place in the country for its GDP contribution of 430 million yuan in 2015with an increase of 8 percent.The province has formed the economic structure featured with a large number of SMEs since the reform and Opening up policy implemented in the 1980s.As of the end of June 2015,the registered enterprises in Zhejiang reach nearly 500,000,of which SMEs,accounting for 95%,contribute to over 60% of the province’s GDP.
重 钢四厂 为提高 锰烧 结矿的 质量, 进行了 熔剂性 锰烧 结矿的 工业 试验 ,结果 表明:熔 剂性锰烧 结矿具 有良好的 冶金性 能。高炉使 用后,焦 比降低, 锰回收率 提高,生 产技
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