Phase transition and magnetocaloric effect of Ni_(55.2)Mn_(18.6)Ga_(26.2-x)Gd_x (x=0,0.05,0.15) allo

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xcgxcgxcg
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Phase transition process and magnetic entropy change -ΔS of Ni55.2Mn18.6Ga26.2-xGdx(x=0, 0.05, 0.15) alloys were studied. Ni55.2Mn18.6Ga26.2-xGdx(x=0, 0.05, 0.15) alloys still underwent simultaneous structural and magnetic transitions and transform from ferro-magnetic martensitic phase to paramagnetic austenitic phase during heating. Under a field of 2 T, the maximum magnetic entropy change -ΔSM of Ni55.2Mn18.6Ga26.15Gd0.05 alloy was 7.7 J/kg·K at 317 K during heating and 8.6 J/kg·K at 314 K during cooling while it was 11.8 J/kg·K at 317 K in Ni55.2Mn18.6Ga26.05Gd0.15 alloy during heating. Ni55.2Mn18.6Ga26.2-xGdx (x = 0, 0.05, 0.15) alloys were studied. Phase transition process and magnetic entropy change -ΔS of Ni55.2Mn18.6Ga26.2-xGdx alloys still underwent simultaneous structural and magnetic transitions and transform from ferro-magnetic martensitic phase to paramagnetic austenitic phase during heating. Under a field of 2 T, the maximum magnetic entropy change-ΔSM of Ni55.2Mn18.6Ga26.15Gd0.05 alloy was 7.7 J / kg · K at 317 K during heating and 8.6 J / kg · K at 314 K during cooling while it was 11.8 J / kg · K at 317 K in Ni55.2Mn18.6Ga26.05Gd0.15 alloy during heating.
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