The Reflection of Teacher Professional Development

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  Recently,more and more researchers lay emphasis on the teachers professional development. In the process of teaching, teacher plays an important role. We should not ignore the important position of the teachers. As we all know, we did not pay much attention to it. With the development of education, we aware of the importance teacher professional development.
  Review the whole curriculum on Teacher Professional Development, it mainly focus on the teacher and the relationship with other aspects.. And the development of teachers refers to the general growth not focus on a specific job. The course provide us some teaching approaches and instructional implications on teachers and learners. When we talk about the teacher professional development, we will mention that teachers’ education. The teacher education not only skills training but also the theory study of applied linguistics, language testing and assessment and research methods for language teacher. As a consequence, all the process of teaching related to each other. They influence each other in some extent.
  Recently, the professional development of teacher arises people’s attention gradually. As a second language teacher, we must focus on the development of ourselves. In the whole course, I just want to talk about theories of teaching in language teacher education. As we know, the theories really give great help to the preservice or in-service development of second language teachers. It offers a guideline and conception on what good teaching is and what the essential knowledge and skills of teachers are. It is necessary for teachers to have a good understanding on teacher theories. There are three main categories in this part, including science-research conceptions, theory-philosophy conceptions and art-craft conception. All of those illustrate the implications of different conceptions of teaching in language teaching and their implications for second language teacher education.
  I want to put my attention on the first one, that is the science-research conceptions. From the point of this view, it views language teaching as a type of scientific activity. This kind of scientific activity concludes operationalizing learning principles, following a tested model of teaching and doing what effective teachers do. Aiming to this kind of categories, I’d like to talk about my own understanding of it. The operationalizing learning principles involves memory, transfer, motivation and so on. In second language teaching, the teacher should know how to motivate the students and improve their learning skills effectively. The traditional approach is audiolingualism, it was traced from the behaviorism. A second language could be learned by a process of habit formation and overlearning. The teacher’s belief will have an important impact on their approach. If the teacher regarded the language teaching as a interaction, they will use quite different approach from the audiolingualism.   Whether the teacher choose what kind of way to teach, their final purpose is to help students learn better. The teacher is vary from person to person, they have their own teaching styles. In contrast, the learners should find a suitable learning style. In the learning process, the learner should develop an awareness of language and pay attention to expand their language knowledge.
  In our classroom teaching, we should stress on the imperial research. To speak it in details, when teacher ask questions, the teachers should give the learner ‘wait-time’to let them think carefully. The specific teaching behavior reflect the style of teacher and influence the teaching and learning process. All the time, we always doubt that what is a effective teacher should do? As we know, we always hope that we can become a effective teacher. As a effective teacher, our teaching guided by a preplanned curriculum. And we always should have expectations for students learning. The teacher must motivate learners and give knowledge related to learner. Our instruction must clear and focused, it should have the important and difficult points. It is important that the class time is used for learning. In our teaching, if we can take the learners into consideration and think about them, we will build a close relationship with each other. Gradually, we can be effective ones in our own position.
  Teaching second language is a complex process, we can not build the Roman in one day. In practical teaching, the teacher always change their approach to meet different needs of learners. And at the same time, the learners also change their learning styles to improve their learning. The teaching is interaction process. Both teachers and learner should alter themselves. Also the instruction is dynamic instead of changeless. In our teaching, the teacher may choose different strategy skills. However, we must own the ability to choose a proper one as a teacher.
  To be concluded, the teacher professional development should lay more emphasis. To be a effective teacher and ensure our teaching effectively is quite important. With the development of our education, the roles of teachers and learners changed a lot. We can not stand here without any change. We should do something which is really benefit to our teaching. In this process, we make the mutual improvement. Throughout the instruction, both of us can gain something useful from it and become our wealth in our whole life.
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