Mechanism and Geo-mechanics Models of Landslides Triggered by 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chouddy
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Due to the extremely high magnitude, long duration, and the complicated geo-environment in the disaster area, the great 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake not only produced a huge number of landslides and rockfalls, but also involved complicated dynamic processes. These processes are quite different from the characteristics of landslides and rockfalls under general gravitational force, and presently human knowledge is very poor in this field. In order to describe the special dynamic processes, some terms such as shattering-cracking, shattering-sliding, shattering-falls and ejection are defined in this paper. Combined with slope structures, a mechanism classification system of strong earthquake-triggered landslide and rockfall is suggested, which is divided into 5 categories and 14 types. This paper also analyzes the basic characteristics, dynamic processes and geo-mechanics conceptual models of some typologies, especial the type of shattering-sliding for most large-scales landsides. This paper initially reveals the formation mechanism, geo-mechanics models and dynamic features of landslides and rockfalls triggered by the great Wenchuan Earthquake. Due to the extremely high magnitude, long duration, and the complicated geo-environment in the disaster area, the great 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake not only produced a huge number of landslides and rockfalls, but also involved complicated dynamic processes. These processes are quite different from the characteristics of landslides and rockfalls under general gravitational force, and presently human knowledge is very poor in this field. In order to describe the special dynamic processes, some terms such as shattering-cracking, shattering-sliding, shattering-falls and ejection are defined in this paper. Combined with slope structures, a mechanism classification system of strong earthquake-triggered landslide and rockfall is suggested, which is divided into 5 categories and 14 types. This paper also analyzes the basic characteristics, dynamic processes and geo-mechanics conceptual models of some typologies, especial the type of shattering-sliding for most large-scales landsides. This paper i nitially reveals the formation mechanism, geo-mechanics models and dynamic features of landslides and rockfalls triggered by the great Wenchuan Earthquake.
理安·艾斯勒一九三四年出生在维也纳,六岁时经历了纳粹德国占领的浩劫,全家侥幸逃离欧洲,乘船来到古巴。十四岁移居美国。战火,屠杀,三个国度,三种文化使她从小关心人类的命运,深思这样的问题:人类为什么要互相残杀?为什么那么残忍?那么野蛮?为什么全世界到处都是男人对男人和男人对女人的欺压?女人是天生就低于男人,注定永远处在屈从地位吗?  她创作《圣杯与剑》花费了十五年,阅读了研究人类两性关系的上千种著作
Two sedimentary sections were measured at Tai Co(Co means lake in Tibetan) in western Tibet,China.The two sections are almost all composed of clay carbonate bed
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