Influences of Organic Solvents on Particle Size and Drug-loading Efficiency for 5-Fluorouracil Poly(

来源 :Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:venus1231
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The objective of this study was to investigate the influences of organic solvents on particle size, drug content, loading efficiency and yield for 5 Fluorouracil Poly(lactic acid) nanoparticles . The 5 Fluorouracil was entrapped into poly(lactic acid)(PLA) nanoparticles using a water in oil in water solvent evaporation technique. During the preparation process, ethyl acetate and acetone were used as organic solvents since they are less toxic than the more commonly used dichloromethane. The effect of the three solvents on particle size, drug content, loading efficiency and yield of nanopartcles was compared. When the solvent of the oil phase was acetone, the highest drug content, smallest particle size and lowest yield were obtained for the PLA nanoparticles. The objective of this study was to investigate the influences of organic solvents on particle size, drug content, loading efficiency and yield for 5 Fluorouracil Poly (lactic acid) nanoparticles. The 5 Fluorouracil was entrapped into poly (lactic acid) (PLA) nanoparticles using During the preparation process, ethyl acetate and acetone were used as organic solvents since they are less toxic than the more commonly used dichloromethane. The effect of the three solvents on particle size, drug content, loading efficiency and yield of nanopartcles was compared. When the solvent of the oil phase was acetone, the highest drug content, smallest particle size and lowest yield were for the PLA nanoparticles.
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