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社会主义和谐社会是经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设协调发展的社会,是人与人、人与社会、人与自然之间整体和谐的社会。教育是社会的产物,社会需要是教育的出发点,建设和谐教育是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要任务,课堂是教育的基本单元结构。长期以来我国的教育以升学为中心,这种教育以培养少数尖子人才为目的,以学生的考试成绩和升学率为考核评价学校和教师工作的惟一标准,所以学校教师不能真正按教育规律办事,教师教的死,学生失去了学习的主动性、积极性和创造活力。如何构建和谐愉快的课堂氛围,如何建立真正的民主、平等、合作的师生关系,从而使教师乐教,学生乐学是我们的当务之急。 A harmonious socialist society is a society where economic development, political construction, cultural construction, and social construction are coordinated and developed. It is a harmonious society between people and people, people and society, and between people and nature. Education is the product of society. Social needs are the starting point of education. Building harmonious education is an important task in building a harmonious socialist society. Classroom is the basic unit structure of education. For a long time, China’s education has been centered on further studies. This type of education aims at cultivating a small number of top-notch talents. The students’ test scores and school enrollment rates are the only criteria for assessing schools and teachers’ work. Therefore, school teachers cannot truly act according to the laws of education. When teachers teach death, students lose their initiative, enthusiasm, and creativity. How to build a harmonious and pleasant classroom atmosphere, and how to establish a truly democratic, equal, and cooperative teacher-student relationship, so that teachers can teach music, and student learning is our top priority.
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