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纵观世界艺术史,大体上可以理出三种形态:一是以中国绘画为代表的东方美术,理性与非理性混沌合一的东方哲学是其理论基础;二是再现的美术,以古希腊美术传统发展起来,以欧洲理性主义传统哲学为理论基础;三是抽象、表现的美术,发端于20世纪初现代主义运动,以西方现代非理性主义哲学为理论基础.(这种划分只是相对的.严格而言,它缺乏科学性)探索跟这三种形态相对应的素描教学,是学科建设的重要课题和动力.认识到三种形态以哲学、美学为主的理论依据,这是关键的要点之一.因为从素描教学的本质目的讲,它是素质教育,是“用手思考”,是学会洞透的观察和创造的思维.一种教学体系如果不是站在文化的厚度上,它就不能在一个高度上宏观把握和深入挖掘,会像当年学习契氏体系一样缠入细枝末节,会在学习过程中只注意具体画面技术而忽视提高修养.教学体系应该是坚实而又富于引发力的. Looking at the art history of the world, it can be roughly concluded that there are three kinds of orientations: one is oriental art represented by Chinese painting, and the other is oriental philosophy of rational and irrational chaos; its second is reproductive art, The tradition of art was developed based on the traditional philosophy of European rationalism. The third is the art of abstraction and performance, originated from the movement of modernism in the early 20th century, based on the theory of Western modern irrationalism. (This division is only relative Strictly speaking, it lacks of science.) Exploring the sketch teaching corresponding to these three forms is an important subject and motive force of discipline construction.It is the key to recognize the theoretical basis that the three kinds of forms are mainly based on philosophy and aesthetics One of the main points is that since it is the essence of sketch teaching, it is a quality education and a “thinking by hand,” which is the way to learn to observe and create ideas. If a teaching system is not based on the thickness of culture, it We can not grasp macroscopically on one level and excavate deeply. We will be involved in minutiae just as we did when we studied the Ching system, and we only pay attention to the specific picture technique and neglect to improve our cultivation in the learning process. Learning system should be solid and full of inspiration.
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时间:99年7月8日 地点:陈绶祥寓所 徐:陈先生,《美术观察》杂志拟就中国画的笔墨问题作一探讨,您作为美术史论家,请谈淡笔墨问题。 陈:正如人体的要点是人而不是体一样,笔墨