Strategic studies on the biodiversity sustainability in Yunnan Province,Southwest China

来源 :城市道桥与防洪 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haibei007
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With an area of 394,000 km2 (4.1% of Chinas total area) and specific diversified geographical environments, Yunnan houses over 18,000 species of higher plants (51.6% of Chinas total), 1,836 vertebrate species (54.8% of Chinas total) and multitudinous species of rare, endemic and epibiotic wildlife, ranking first in species richness value and endemicity rate of Chinas biodiversity, thus becoming a rare gene bank of wildlife species with the most concentrated distribution of important wildlife taxa and a key terrestrial biodiversity region of global significance. Despite its evident abundance and endemism, however, the biodiversity is faced with threats of ecological fragility and human disturbances in socioeconomic development resulting in attenuation of biodiversity,degradation of ecosystems and serious loss of species, thus, it needs to be carefully studied for its sustainability. Based on the analyses of the geographical diversity, the macro material bases of Yunnans biodiversity were reviewed and six characteristics of the provincial biodiversity were described in the ecosystems, forest types, species compositions, endemic species, genetic resources, etc. By appraising the present status of the provincial biodiversity conservation, the facts that the biodiversity coexisted with fragility were revealed so that eight key disadvantageous factors in the provincial ecological fragility causing serious biodiversity loss were summarized and described in this paper. In order to satisfy the two-fold needs of biodiversity sustainability and socioeconomic development, eight strategies for the sustainable development were intensively elaborated by borrowing certain theories in modem conservation biology, recycling economics and some successful innovations, and by giving comprehensive consideration to the ecological fragility mechanism, nature reserve construction, environmental protection and the exploitability of resources for biodiversity sustainability and socioeconomic development. Accordingly, relevant targets, principles, tactics and measures for effective biodiversity conservation and sustainability were suggested to lay a solid theoretical foundation and reliable scientific basis for the biodiversity and socioeconomic sustainable development.
我科在2005-11/2007-08共实施宫腔镜电切术280例,通过有效治疗和精心护理,取得满意的效果,总结如下.rn1 临床资料rn本组年龄25~66(平均36.5)岁,其中子宫黏膜下肌瘤切除术85例,
摘要:传统的具有单一性的林业病虫害化学药剂防治方法虽然能够有效的起到防治病虫害的目的,但在使用化学药剂防治方法的过程中可能产生对林业的一系列消极的影响,例如化学药剂在林业病虫害防治使用中可能使林业病虫害产生对化学药剂的抗药性能,同时化学药剂的使用对于林业环境的污染也有着明显的影响,此外林业病虫的天敌也可能被化学药剂误伤等。  关键词:林业;病虫害;无公害防治  努力推动林业健康理念的前提下为培养林
目的 探讨自拟中药含漱液防治艾滋病口腔病损的临床效果.方法 选取80例艾滋病口腔病损患者,将其采用随机数字表法分为两组,观察组患者使用自拟中药含漱液含漱,对照组患者使用
细菌性阴道炎(bacterial vagionsis,BV)为妇科常见感染性疾病,近年其发病率呈增高趋势.过去 BV的治疗常首选甲硝唑口服或局部用药,但很多患者对甲硝唑耐受性差.我院于 2005年
我科2007-01/2008-06经胃镜检查确诊为反流性食管炎的患者128例,护理体会如下.rn1 临床资料rn1.1 一般资料本组男76例,女52例,年龄10~91(平均45.6)岁.临床上表现为反酸、烧心
摘要:在甘肃定西云杉栽植面积大,分布范围广,是植树造林的主要树种。本文主要针对云杉常见病虫害防治进行探讨和分析,并且就其防治提出了具有针对性的对策和建议,以期能为解决云杉病虫害防治发挥有效作用。  关键词:云杉;病虫害;防治技术  一、云杉的植物学特性  云杉属于乔木,树高可达40--45米,树皮淡灰褐色,裂成不规则的鳞片或稍后的块片;细枝上有疏生或密生的短柔毛;冬芽呈圆锥形,基部膨大;叶四棱状条