Oscar Wilde’s Triple Personalities in The Picture of Dorian Gray

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  Abstract:The Picture of Dorian Gray,as the only one written by Oscar Wilde,has attracted controversy since its publication.Many readers argue that there is some homosexual relation among the three heroes in the novel.By interpreting these three main characters from Freud’s theory about the Id,Ego and Superego,we could have a clear understanding about their close relationship.
  Key words:triple Personalities,The Picture of Dorian Gray
  Id,ego and superego are the three parts of the psychic apparatus defined in Sigmund Freud’s structural model of the psyche.The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth,“an impulsion to obtain satisfaction for the instinctual needs,in accordance with pleasure principle”.(Freud 104)The id functions in a totally unconscious way to seek immediate gratification of any impulse without putting any moral standard or social convention into consideration.The ego acts according to the reality principle which attempts to mediate between id and reality and seeks to please the id’s drive in realistic ways.The superego aims for perfection which represents our internalized moral standards and ideals and our sense of right and wrong.It works to overcome all the unrecognized greed and lust of the id.
  In a letter,Oscar Wilde once stated that “ Basil Hallward is what I think I am;Lord Henry what the world thinks me;Dorian what 1 would like to be-in other ages,perhaps.”(Wilde 352)The three main characters of The Picture of Dorian Gray actually reflect the three levels of individual’s personalities.Dorian reflects his id,Basil his superego and Henry his ego.
  Dorian Gray,the protagonist of the novel,is a wonderfully handsome,brainless beautiful and pure innocent young lad at the outset.The painter,Basil worshiped his amazing appearance and untainted soul.Basil’s friend,Lord Henry is also attracted by Dorian’s beauty,and he used lots and lots of tempting and poisonous theories to arouse those instinctive desires rooted in Dorian’s inner heart.Lord Henry told Dorian that “nothing can cure the soul but the senses,just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.”(17)Under the influence of Lord Henry,Dorian Gray betrayed his soul to the devil and turned to be a cold-blooded killer in the process of seeking sensual pleasure and eternal youth.Dorian Gray represents the symbol of the id.He exhausted all his life to pursue everlasting youth,wild desires,infinite freedom and passion by fair means or foul.He did everything out of pleasure principle of the id.Oscar Wilde regards Dorian as the one he would like to be.Because Wilde yearned for those characteristics possessed by Dorian such as the beauty,the youth and the freedom.Besides,Oscar advocated aestheticism whose slogan is art for art sake.All artistic works should not be involved with moral code and social convention.The image of Dorian Gray conforms to this belief.   Basil is a brilliant painter who holds the highest moral standard from both parents and society in this novel.The picture of Dorian Gray marked a new era in Basil’s painting career.Basil worshiped Dorian by his extraordinary beauty and personality.Actually,Basil is a true reflection of the ego-ideal,one part of the superego.It represents the holiest personality and places limits on the id and the ego.Basil insisted on preventing Dorian from being tainted until he was killed by Dorian.Basil told Henry that:“Don’t spoil him.Don’t try to influence him.Your influence would be bad.”(12)The other part of the superego,the conscience is reflected by the picture of Dorian Gray painted by Basil.When Dorian treated Sibyl Vane unjustly and cruelly,the picture changed for the first time:“there was a touch of cruelty in the mouth.”(90)In Dorian’s process of degradation,“the portrait was to bear the burden of his shame.”(92)In other words,the portrait undertakes the punishment,the feeling of guilt and shame for Dorian’s evil deeds.
  Lord Henry is a cynical dandy who despises all social orders and traditional virtues.He said that “it is personalities,not principles that move the age.”(55)Henry seemed to depart from the classics and rebel against orthodoxy,but he actually is everyone just like you and me.He led a normal life like every ordinary person which is different from degraded Dorian and noble Basil.Basil once commented:“you never say a moral thing,and you never do a wrong thing.Your cynicism is simply a pose.”(4)So,like the ego which mediates between the id and the superego,Henry makes a bridge between Dorian and Basil.He tries to behave realistically and please the id’s desires in a socially acceptable way.It is interesting that although Henry and Basil hold entirely different values,they are friends to each other.It symbolizes a compromise between the ego and the superego.
  Lord Henry is a paradoxical character,like the ego of Oscar himself who holds contradictory personalities.As an adherent of the aestheticism,Oscar wild claimed that artworks should not be involved with morality which would kill the creativity of an artist and all artworks were not used to civilizing the populace.However,in almost all his works,he highlights the moral standards.In the end of The Picture of Dorian Gray,Dorian intended to kill the distorted portrait to conceal his evilness,but the consequence was that Dorian was died and the portrait got back its beauty and youth.It seems to suggest that things are quite so fair and lead readers to the moral side.Oscar Wilde,like Lord Henry,is a theorist but not a behaviorist,he advocated art for art sake while his works permeated with the merits of humanity.It is exactly the outcome of the ego mediating between the id and the superego.
  Works Cited
  [1] Freud,Sigmund.The Ego and the Id.New York:Norton,1962.
  [2] Wild,Oscar.The Picture of Dorian Gray.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1974.
  [3] Wild,Oscar.The letters of Oscar Wild.Ed.R.Hart-Davis.London:Hart-Davis,1962.
  (作者單位:云南大学 外国语学院)
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