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2015年年底,《中国梦·福建故事》在东南卫视和福建综合频道播出后,收视排在同时段节目前列。先后被全国各大网站和地方电视台转播,尤其通过微信平台传播后,覆盖面广。这部纪录片拍摄历时近一年的时间,制作团队选取了当下比较能代表福建的元素,从城市到乡村,从山区到沿海,从人居到自然,并将大时代的背景穿插到人物故事中,用一种散文式较为轻快的表达方式,来完成这个宏大的主题。在表现手法上,大量用到了高清中低空航拍,用独特的运动镜头表现局部的细节。笔者作为这部纪录片的主创人员,将以《中国梦·福建故事》为例谈谈纪录片创作过程的方法,并试图探讨如何提高宏大主题纪录片的收视效果以及审美效果。 The end of 2015, “China Dream Fujian story” broadcast in Southeast Satellite TV and Fujian integrated channel, the ratings ranked in the forefront of the same period of the program. Has been the major national websites and local television stations broadcast, especially spread through the WeChat platform, a wide coverage. The documentary took almost a year of filming and the production team selected elements that are more representative of Fujian today, from cities to villages, from mountainous areas to the coast, from habitation to nature, and interspersed the background of the era into the characters’ stories , Using a more eloquent expression of prose to accomplish this ambitious theme. In the performance of tactics, a large number of high-definition low-altitude aerial photography, with a unique performance of the local lens movement details. The author, as a creative director of this documentary, will discuss the process of documentary creation with the example of “Chinese Dream and Fujian Story” and try to explore how to improve the viewing and aesthetic effects of the grand theme documentary.
A modified GIT model for describing the variational trend of mean clutter reflectivity as a function of wind speed is proposed. It uses two slope adjustment fac