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3月18日至21日,来自中央民族大学、北京大学、北京师范大学、中国社会科学院文学研究所、中国历史博物馆等单位的30多名中外学者和研究生考察了河北省赵县范庄村的“龙牌会”盛会。学者中有中国民俗学会副理事长宋兆麟研究员、陶立璠教授;中国民俗学会秘书长刘铁梁副教授,副秘书长周星教授、贺学君副研究员;中国民俗旅游学会副秘书长罗汉田副研究员印河北省民俗学会秘书长刘其印先生等。 18日上午,考察团一行到达范庄。首先映入眼帘的是宽畅的大街和大街两旁整齐的新修的楼房,据说这些楼房都是村民的住宅。楼下则是规划整齐的店铺,商店的老板自然是楼房的主人——范庄村民。步行入庄,只见道路两旁的墙壁和电线杆子上贴着各式各样的标语,内容大致是“积德行善保平安”、“吉庆有余岁岁平安”、“锣鼓喧天迎盛会”之类。街道上空一排排五彩缤纷的彩挂迎风招展,煞是好看。到了范庄村委会,大门两旁一幅对联特别引人注目,上联是“简室陋屋愧对上级领导实在抱歉”,下联是“粗茶淡饭喜迎八方宾客不成敬意”。院里的墙报上醒目地写着“龙牌盛会龙抬头,龙的传人壮志酬”、“龙故乡纪念勾龙,追历史不忘祖先”。“龙牌会”期间村里小学放假三天,范庄的街头巷尾到处洋溢着节日来临前的气氛。这次考察从考察团到 From March 18 to March 21, more than 30 Chinese and foreign scholars and postgraduates from the Central University for Nationalities, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Chinese Museum of History inspected the “ Dragon card will ”event. Scholar Professor Song Zhaolin, Professor Tao Lizhi; Secretary-General of China Folklore Society Liu Tieliang associate professor, deputy secretary general Professor Zhou Xing, He Xuejun associate researcher; China Folklore Tourism Society Deputy Secretary-General Luo Hantian Indian Society of Folklore in India Secretary-General Mr. Liu Qi Yin and so on. On the morning of 18th, the delegation arrived at Fanzhuang. The first thing that catches your eye is the newly renovated buildings, which are neatly lined with streets and boulevards. It is said that these buildings are the houses of villagers. Downstairs is a well-planned shop, shop owner is naturally the owner of the building - Fan Zhuang villagers. Walked into the village, I saw the road on both sides of the wall and wire pole posted a variety of slogans, the content is roughly “Jide good safer security”, “auspicious more than a year of peace,” “ . Colorful rows of the streets above the colorful hanging hanging fluttering, truly beautiful. To Fanzhuang village committee, a pair of couplets on both sides of the gate is particularly noticeable, the couplets is ”shameless shame on the superior leadership is really sorry,“ the couplets is ”noisy prairie guests P Plus welcome.“ On the wall posters in the hospital, they read ”Towards Longshenglong, Head of the Dragon,“ and ”The Dragon, the Hometown, Memorial to the Dragon, and the Past, Ancestors of History.“ During the ”Dragon Club" period, the village primary school will have a holiday for three days. The streets and lanes of Fanzhuang are filled with the atmosphere before the holiday season. The inspection from the delegation to
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