
来源 :中学英语之友·初二版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laowu000001
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  Barcelona 1992 Emblem 巴塞罗那艺术光芒照亮五环
   The official emblem,designed by Josep Maria Trias from Barcelona,depicted a dynamic human figure in a stance that suggested someone jumping an obstacle (which consisted of the five Olympic rings) and the simple, gestual lines reduced the characterisation of the figure to the head(in the blue of the Mediterranean), the arms(the yellow of the sun and wide open in sign of hospitality) and the legs (a vivid red).
Unit 8    1.personal  解读 (1)形容词,主要有以下意思:  ①个人的,私人的  PC is short for personal computer. PC是私人电脑的缩写。  It’s not moral to read the personal letter without permission.   未经允许拆阅个人信件不道德。  ②身体的,容貌的  Kids love
Key(1):  (A)1、F从短文第一句话可知,两个年青人在谈论如何过周末。2、T由第三段可知。3、T由第四段可知。4、F杰克只是听到了咆哮声。5、F杰克很害怕,所以他并不想去捉熊。(B)1、B由第二段第一句可知B项正确。2、C由第二段的“My favorite place was the Sun andMoon Lake。”可知答案。3、B holiday-maker中文意思是“外出度假者”。
Ⅰ.词汇  A)根据句意和首字母填空。  1. My mother goes out, so I have to b____ my younger brother.   2. My grandmother lives in the c____ and we live in the city.   3. China is f____ for the Great Wall.   4. He is p_
Unit 8    1.Is it someone in your family? 是不是你家里的人?  解读 (1)it在此句中指人,表示说话时不清楚的对象可以用it代替。例如:  ——Who is it? 是哪位?——It’s me. 我。  Sorry!I didn’t know it was you. 对不起!我不知道是你。  (2)it除上述用法外,还有:  ①代替前文提到过的事物。  
Ⅰ.词汇  A)根据句意及所给首字母,完成下列单词。  1. I usually r____ a bike to school, but this morning I went to school on foot.   2. There is a l____ in the park. Look! The boys are swimming in it.   3. England is in E__
Ⅰ.词汇   A)根据句意和首字母完成句子。  1. He has a q____ breakfast, then he walks to school in a hurry.   2. It is three k____ from my home to school. So I usually take my bike to school.   3. My mother gets up e__
Unit 3    1.everyday;every day  everyday是形容词,作定语,表示“日常的、平常的、每天发生的”,相当于daily,而every day是副词短语作状语,表示“每天、天天”。如:
英语中的名词有可数名词与不可数名词之分,他们俩常常为自己在同学们心目中的地位发生争执,为此,我们今天特意举行一场“对抗赛”,让它们一争高低,精彩可不容错过!  [对抗一]身份之争  一个名词分成两半时还叫原名,该名词就是不可数名词,如yogurt分成两半还叫yogurt;否则为可数名词,如cup分成两半,就不能再叫茶杯,故为可数名词。但是有的名词既可为可数名词,也可为不可数名词,如orange。 
1.between, among与in的区别  Please put some beef ____ the two slices of bread and make a sandwich.  A. betweenB. withC. amongD. under  解析:A。本题考查介词的区别。简易的三明治即在两片面包之间夹些牛肉便可制成。在两者之间应该用between。而among指“在三者或三者以