
来源 :中国民族 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pptcwu
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马是牧民的伴侣时至马年,我想起昔年在锡林郭勒草原生活时关于牧民与马的所见所闻和亲身感受。马是草原牧民的生活伴侣,有句谚语叫:“歌是翅膀,马是伴当。”草原上,刚满3岁的幼儿就被父亲抱到马背上习乘。当年,我们作为知青来到草原时,每个蒙古包分5匹马,当马倌放马则 When the horse was a herdsman’s companion to the Year of the Horse, I remembered what I had seen and heard about herdsmen and horses during the past year in Xilin Gol Grassland. The horse is a living companion of grassland herdsmen. There is an old saying: “Songs are wings and horses are accompanists.” On the prairie, just three-year-old children were taken to their horses by her father. In those days, when we came to the grasslands as educated youth, we divided up 5 horses for each Mongolian kravana,
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澳大利亚人认为 ,如果给财富按大小或先后顺序排列 ,那么第一大财富 ,就是健康 ,澳大利亚人口稀少 ,资源丰富 ,地域辽阔 ,同时 ,也是个高福利的国家 ,人人受教育程度较高 ,因
“老师,给!”刚从海边回来的晨晨,一见到我,就迫不及待地将一个小塑料袋递了过来,“我自己捡的贝壳哦!”说到“贝壳”两字,晨晨尖尖的瓜子脸兴奋地扬了起来。  正是日头刚刚落山之际,临窗的那些课桌椅,还融在一片橙红的夕阳余晖里。晨晨那单薄的身子,还有那笑眯眯的双眼,都笼着一层甜甜的柔光。这样的柔光,把她的整个人都羽化了,仿佛她背后还披着天使的翅膀呢!  我感动地接过那个透明的小袋子,脑海里浮现出几十种
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