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中国共产党优秀党员、忠诚的共产主义战士,第八届全国人大内务司法委员会顾问、国家计划委员会顾问李瑞山同志因心脏病突发,于1997年1O月22日上午7时35分在北京逝世,享年77岁。 李瑞山同志,1920年 11月 20日出生于陕西省延长县罗子山乡一个农民家庭。1935年5月参加革命,同年5月加入中国共产主义青年团,1935年7月任共青团延长县县委书记,1936年2月调陕甘团省委儿童局工作,同年4月调团中央任儿童局书记,1936年5月转为中国共产党党员。1937年4月任西北抗日救国会执委兼儿童部部长。1938年5月任陕甘宁边区陇东地委青委书记、陇东青救会主任。1940年8月调毛泽东青年干校学习,1941年任中央青委巡视员,1942年2月任陕甘宁边区青救会组织部部长、主任。他在党的领导下,积极宣传革命,发动群众,建立青救会组织,发动青年抗日救国,发展和壮大少先队和青年团的组织,为巩固和保卫苏区、建立红色政权,做出了积极的贡献。他于1943年12月调中央党校学习,1945年11月任黑龙江省北安县委组织部部长。1946年9月至1949年4月先后任克东县、望奎县县委副书记,为建立人民武装,剿匪反霸,土地改革,建立基层政权,巩固和扩大根据地,做了大量卓有成效的工作。 Outstanding member of the Chinese Communist Party, a loyal communist fighter, consultant for the Eighth Internal Planning Commission of the National People’s Congress and adviser to the State Planning Commission Comrade Li Ruishan died of a heart attack in Beijing at 7.15 a.m. on January 22, 1997, 77 years old. Comrade Li Ruishan was born on November 20, 1920 in a peasant family in Luozishan Township, Yanchang County, Shaanxi Province. May 1935 to participate in the revolution, in May the same year to join the Chinese Communist Youth League, in July 1935 the Communist Youth League Yanchang county party secretary, in February 1936 transferred Shaanxi Provincial Gannan Provincial Bureau of Children’s Bureau work, the same year in April transferred the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League Bureau Secretary, May 1936 to become a member of the Chinese Communist Party. 1937 April Ren Northwest Anti-Japanese National Salvation Commission and Minister of Children’s Department. In May 1938, she served as Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Committee of Longdong Committee of Shaxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and director of the East Gansu Youth Rescue Society. August 1940 Mao Zedong youth cadre study, 1941 appointed member of the Central Committee of the Youth Inspectorate, February 1942 She served as the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area Youth Federation Organization Department Minister, director. Under the leadership of the party, he actively advocated revolution, mobilized the masses, established a youth salvage organization, launched an organization of youth fighting Japan and saving the nation, developing and expanding the Young Pioneers and the Youth League, and made active efforts to consolidate and defend the Soviet region and establish a red regime contribution. He was transferred to the Central Party School in December 1943 to study, in November 1945 Heilongjiang Province Bei’an County Organization Department Minister. From September 1946 to April 1949, he successively served as the deputy secretary of Kendong County and Wangkui County, and made a great deal of fruitful work to establish the people’s armed forces, suppress banditry and hegemony, reform the land, establish grassroots power and consolidate and expand the base areas.
Many people presume that China is now among the wor ld ’ s economic giants, and fig u r es can be cited to support that notion. With its gross domestic product