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欧洲启蒙运动以来,知识全球化进程日益加快。19世纪“世界文学”理念与20世纪“文学人类学”理念相继应运而生。二者之间的变迁既是殖民时代到后殖民时代的变迁,也昭示着封闭的民族文学时代的文学观到后人类学时代的文学观之转型。人类学给20世纪思想的最重要献礼不在于这门学科的知识积累本身,而在于文化多样性的自觉意识给当今人类所带来的再一次思想启蒙作用。文化多样性的理念从人类学研究拓展到文学及人文学科创新实践的过程,正在改变殖民时代遗留在学术与教育制度中的残余势力,开启全新的文学观与批评伦理。中国学者对新兴交叉学科“文学人类学”的诉求,在何种意义上可以替代植根于西方中心主义的“世界文学”的老话语,取决于文学人类学理论的普世性建构及其可操作的推广应用潜力。 Since the Enlightenment in Europe, the process of knowledge globalization has been accelerating. In the 19th century, the concept of “world literature” and the concept of “literature anthropology” in the 20th century came into being one after another. The transition between the two is not only the transition from the colonial era to the post-colonial era, but also the transition from the literary view in the closed national literature era to the literary outlook in the post-anthropological era. The most important contribution of anthropology to the 20th century thought lies not in the accumulation of knowledge in this discipline, but in the once again enlightenment of the human being brought by the consciousness of cultural diversity. The concept of cultural diversity extends from the study of anthropology to the innovative practice of literature and humanities and is transforming the remnants of the legacy of the colonial era in academic and educational systems and opening up entirely new concepts of literature and criticism. Chinese scholars’ appeal to emerging interdisciplinary “literary anthropology” can replace the old discourse rooted in Western-centric “world literature ”, depending on the universal nature of the theory of literary anthropology Construction and its operational potential for promotion and application.