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自70年代初开始,一直到毛泽东辞世以前,王海容和外交部的另一位风云人物唐闻生几乎参加了他老人家与来访各国政要、知名人士的所有会见.这对形影不离的女性在外交界乃至中国政坛拥有很高的知名度.粉碎“四人帮” 后,由于众所周知的原因,王海容、唐闻生相继离开外交界,在经历了一段可以理解的沉寂后,再度复出.前者出任国务院参事室副主任,后者出任铁道部外事局局长.迄今为止,在外交圈内王海容、唐闻生仍是一对有争议的女性.但是,在邓小平与“四人帮” 的激烈斗争中,她们却是不可或缺的重要人物.1974年春,江青大发淫威,四次打电话逼迫外交部撤回邓小平率团出席第六届特别联大的报告.王海容、唐闻生顶住巨大压力,坚决抵制.翌年秋,中国政坛以邓小平为代表的老一辈无产阶级革命家和“四人帮” 反革命集团 Since the early 1970s, until the death of Mao Tse-tung, Wang Haorong and another Foreign Ministry official, Tang Wensheng, had taken part in almost all the meetings with his elders and visiting politicians and celebrities of various countries. This insecure woman owns the diplomatic and even political circles in China High reputation .After smashing the “Gang of Four,” Wang Hai-Rong and Tang Wensheng left the diplomatic community one after another for some well-known reason, and after a period of understandable silence, they returned again. The former served as deputy director of the counselor’s office of the State Council and the latter served as director of the Ministry of Railways Foreign Affairs Bureau So far, Wang Hairong and Tang Wensheng are still controversial women in diplomatic circles, but they are still indispensable figures in the fierce fight between Deng Xiaoping and the “gang of four.” In the spring of 1974, Jiang Qing Fa Yuwei made four phone calls and forced the Foreign Ministry to withdraw Deng Xiaoping’s delegation to attend the report of the sixth special session of the General Assembly. Wang Hai-rong and Tang Wen-sheng put up great pressure and resolutely resisted. In the autumn of the following year, the older generation of the Chinese political arena, represented by Deng Xiaoping, Class revolutionaries and the “gang of four” counterrevolutionary clique
5. Wire drawing and Deep Drawing The maximum deformation permissible in a single wire drawing operation is limited by the condition that the tensile stress pul