Alpha-fetoprotein expression is a potential prognostic marker in hepatocellular carcinoma

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cwhgh
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AIM: To characterize the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) positive and negative hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) samples.METHODS: Thirty-seven paraffin-embedded human HCC samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for the following antigens: AFP, β-catenin, p53, CD44, MSH-2,MLH-1, and HNF-4. The tumors were divided into two groups based on the AFP expression. The immunophenotypic data and important clinical parameters were studied between the two groups.RESULTS: Twenty-one of the thirty-seven examined HCCs were AFP positive. Seven with nuclear p53 staining were AFP positive, while seven tumors with nuclear β-catenin staining were AFP negative. CD44 staining and high histological tumor grade were more frequent among the AFP-positive HCCs. The other immunophenotypical and dinical parameters did not show statistically significant difference in their distribution between the AFP positive and negative samples.CONCLUSION: AFP expression in HCC correlates with unfavorable prognostic factors, while nuclear β-catenin positivity is more common among the AFP-negative liver tumors. This observation supports the microarray data onin vivo human tumors.
目的 探讨益母草注射液在预防剖宫产术中、术后出血和促进子宫复旧的有效性和安全性.方法 将180例行剖宫产术产妇按随机数字表法分为益母草组、益母草联合缩宫素组(联合组)和缩宫素组,每组60例.观察三组术中、术后各时间段出血量,子宫复旧情况,凝血功能及药物不良反应.结果 联合组术中出血量明显少于益母草组和缩宫素组[( 184.6±28.5) ml比(360.3±56.3) ml和(276.8±34.7
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