Study on Functional Connectivity Density in Patients with Frontal Lobe Tumor at Resting-State

来源 :中国生物医学工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mileyChina
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At present, the neuropathological mechanisms and the plastic changes of brain cognitive function in patents with front lobe tumor remain unclear, most studies just focused on global measures of brain functional connectivity without considering the time correlation in the different regions of the brain. This study aims to investigate brain cognitive alterations and functional plasticity in patients with front lobe tumor at resting-state by conducting functional connectivity density (FCD) mapping and granger causality analysis (GCA). Firstly, FCD mapping was used to extract abnormal functional connectivity (FC) of patients with frontal lobe tumor, and analyzed altered brain FC in both short-and long-range FCD. Then, the voxel-wise GCA method was used to analyze the causal relationship between altered FC regions and other regions in order to detect the time correlation between regions of interest (ROI) and reveal the direction of information flow between brain ROIs. It was found that patients had increased short-range FCD in motor and space attention function areas, had increased short-and long-range FCDs both in Temporal and Insula, and the causal coefficients were changed obviously in Temporal and Frontal. The results show that there is a functional plasticity in space attention function areas. Temporal and Insula are affected by tumor in frontal lobe, and functional reorganization appears inside Temporal.
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