Calibration-free wavelength modulation spectroscopy for gas concentration measurements under low-abs

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq68813172
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We derive the expressions of the first and second harmonic signals on the basis of absorption spectral and lock-in theories,and determine the gas concentration according to the ratio of second and first harmonic signals.It is found that the X and Y components of the harmonic signals are influenced by the phase shift between the detection and reference signal,and the phase shift can be any value in a range from 0 to 2π,which is different from the results obtained previously.Meanwhile,an additional item caused by the residual amplitude modulation will make a great contribution to the second harmonic signal,and may not be neglected under low absorbance conditions.Theoretical analysis indicates that subtracting back-ground signal from the second harmonic signal can remove the influence of this item,and can improve the measurement accuracy of gas concentration.On this basis,we select the transition of CO_2 at 6527.64 cm~(-1) to analyse the approximation errors during the derivation by numerical simulation and then measure the CO_2 concentration under low absorbance conditions,with absorbance varying from l%o to 6‰. We derive the expressions of the first and second harmonic signals on the basis of absorption spectral and lock-in theories, and determine the gas concentration according to the ratio of second and first harmonic signals. It is found that the X and Y components of the harmonic signals are influenced by the phase shift between the detection and reference signal, and the phase shift can any any value in a range from 0 to 2π, which is different from the results previously obtained. modulation will make a great contribution to the second harmonic signal, and may not be neglected under low absorbance conditions. Theoretical analysis that subtracting back-ground signal from the second harmonic signal can remove the influence of this item, and can improve the measurement accuracy of gas concentration. On this basis, we select the transition of CO_2 at 6527.64 cm -1 to analyze the approximation errors during the derivation by nume rical simulation and then measure the CO_2 concentration under low absorbance conditions, with absorbance varying from l% o to 6 ‰.
针对当今医药产业发展趋势和所面临的瓶颈,西方院校创办了横向跨学科、跨行业的交叉学科(实体)研究中心和产学研基地。本文探讨了这一模式在国内推广的必要性和可行性。 In
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