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由病毒引起的角膜炎已知有好多种,特别是由于抗菌素和皮质激素的广泛应用,单纯疱疹性角膜炎(以下简称单疱角膜炎)已成为近年最常见的眼病之一。且多数病员好反复发作,因此成为致盲率很高的一种眼病。现就本病的临床诊疗概述如下:单疱病毒的特征与流行病学单疱病毒在电镜下呈椭圆形,其直径约100~200毫微米,由DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)的核心与外层的蛋白壳组成。对理化因素的抵抗力较弱,在37℃时可于8小时灭活,惟较耐寒。当进入易感细胞后即暂时隐匿,经4~8小时的潜伏期,在细胞核中可发现新的病毒颗粒,成熟后自细胞核释出再感染邻近细胞。单疱病毒多为接触传染,大多由带毒成人的唾液、鼻涕与大便等污染用具而传染,一般在6岁以前抗体阳性率为60%,至20岁以后可达90%,感染后的发病率为1~10%。原发感染仅见于无免疫力的6月~5岁儿童。其特点为侵犯全身有发热等症状,同时出现口腔炎、皮肤疱疹、脑膜炎、脑炎、急性结膜炎与角膜炎等。 Keratitis caused by a virus is known to have a wide variety of diseases, and herpes simplex keratitis (hereinafter referred to as “herpes simplex keratitis”) has become one of the most common eye diseases in recent years due to its wide range of uses including antibiotics and corticosteroids. And most patients are good recurrent, it has become a high rate of blindness an eye disease. The clinical diagnosis and treatment of the disease are summarized as follows: The characteristics and epidemiology of herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex virus under electron microscopy oval, the diameter of about 100 ~ 200 nm, the DNA (DNA) core and outer layer The protein shell composition. Resistance to physical and chemical factors weaker at 37 ℃ in 8 hours inactivation, but more resistant to cold. When entering the susceptible cells temporarily concealed, after 4 to 8 hours of incubation period, new virus particles can be found in the nucleus, mature cells released from the nucleus and then infected adjacent cells. Herpes simplex virus is mostly contagious, most of them are infected by polluting equipment such as saliva, snot and stool which are poisoned in adults. The positive rate of antibody is 60% before 6 years old, and up to 90% after 20 years old. The incidence of post-infection The rate is 1 ~ 10%. The primary infection was found only in children who were non-immunocompetent from June to 5 years of age. It is characterized by violations of the whole body with fever and other symptoms, while stomatitis, skin herpes, meningitis, encephalitis, acute conjunctivitis and keratitis.
脑膜炎球菌菌血症及脑膜炎患者14%患肺炎,尸检62%有肺炎。一组 14% of patients with meningococcal bacteremia and meningitis had pneumonia and 62% of autopsy patients
一、引言 目前,国内用于钢铁的防锈涂料大多为溶剂型产品,且以红丹漆用量最大,这类产品对大气环境以及施工人员的健康都有极大的危害。经济发达国家,对该问题的解决较重视,
我们应用尼莫地平防治蛛网膜下腔出血后的迟发性脑血管痉挛,收到了满意疗效。现将治疗结果分析如下。1 临床资料以尼莫地平防治蛛网膜下腔出血后迟发性脑血管痉挛。非尼莫地
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