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党的十五大报告把依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家,作为治国基本方略确定下来。依法治国,首先是要“有法可依”。因之,加强和完善立法制度,成为有立法权的地方人大及其常委会的一项重要工作。改革开放以来,自治区人大及其常委会对立法工作给予了充分重视,特别是八届期间,常委会始终把地方立法摆在重要位置,立法工作取得重大进展。这些法规和决定涉及自治区政治、经济、文化等各个领域,为调整自治区社会生活中的各种关系,促进改革开放和“两个文明”建设,提供了重要的法律保障。特别是围绕建立社会主义市场经济框架的目标,在出台了一批规范我区市场主体、维护市场秩序、加强宏观调控、建全社会保障制度等方面的法规,有力地推进了我区的经济发展和社会进步。随着我区改革开放的深入和市场经济的发展,今后的立法任务 The report of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China decided to rule the country by law and build a socialist country ruled by law as the basic strategy of running the country. Governing the country according to law, the first is to “have the law to follow.” Therefore, strengthening and improving the legislative system has become an important task for local people’s congresses and their standing committees that have legislative power. Since the reform and opening up, the NPC and its Standing Committee have paid sufficient attention to the legislative work. In particular, the Standing Committee has always placed the local legislation in an important position during the Eighth CPC Central Committee and made significant progress in its legislative work. These laws, regulations and decisions have touched upon various political, economic, cultural and other fields of the autonomous region and provided important legal guarantees for the adjustment of the various social relations in the autonomous region and the promotion of the reform and opening up and the “two civilizations”. In particular, around the goal of establishing a socialist market economic framework, a number of laws and regulations have been promulgated to regulate the market players in our region, safeguard market order, strengthen macroeconomic regulation and control, and build a social security system, effectively boosting the economic development of our region And social progress. With the deepening of reform and opening up in our region and the development of market economy, the future legislative tasks
2010年6月5~6日,北京市委宣传部、北京市卫生局和北京日报报业集团等在北京地坛公园举行了“健康北京健康生活”第四届大型公益文化健康游园会。游园会开展了义诊、 June 5-6