The Diagenesis of Plant Lipids during the Formation of the Krepoljin Coal Basin (Serbia)—Using Multi

来源 :地质学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dlll9393
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The composition of the saturated hydrocarbon fraction of soluble organic matter (bitumen) from the Krepoljin brown coal basin (East Serbia) of Miocene age was investigated. The Krepoljin basin is especially interesting from a geochemical point of view. Namely, by the end of Tertiary Period, the basin was covered by powerful Mesozoic formations of great possibilities, the bedding became hermetically enclosed and protected from subsequent extal influences. The nature of early diagenetic processes in the environment with abundant accumulation of organic substance is defined by the molecular content of bitumen through the connections of molecular structures to potential precursors in paleoplant phylla, as well as by the degree of their diagenetic transformations. The hierarchy of parameters based on molecules of saturated hydrocarbons was determined by applying the principal component analysis to the soluble organic matter. The most significant, most loadings values of component Cl, are the plant types such as precursors or participants in early diagenetic transformations of steranes Cs27-algal precursor material, Cs28-moulds, Cs29-higher land and water plants; resinous from the group of higher plant gymnosperms (G); also triterpanes a and p-amirin-dicotyledonous angiosperms (A) and bacterial and/or terrestrial plants population represented by hopanes/moretanes; as well as the parameters which describe the degree of diagenetic/maturation transformation of precursor biomass, and based on next reactions: (1) shifting of methyl group, influenced by the inorganic sediment constitutents, sterane-rearranged steranes, (2) isomerization in the ring system,ααα→βββ C29 sterane as well as (3) isomerization on chiral center of the side chain sequence R→S C29 sterane S/(S+R). Additionally, a pyrite-derived inhibitory effect on the rearrangment of C29 steranes must be taken into account, but not on triterpanes reaction. Non-appearance of statistically important correlations, before all with maturational depended parameters, and after all also with source indicators contributies to the affirmation of the newly-suggested parameter α-Phyllocladane/S27 as the real source biomarker of coal. Indicators derived from the distribution and abundance of n-alkanes and isoprenoid alkanes are of less significance in hierarchy of parameters
观察米非司酮、米索前列醇对绝经后宫颈口封闭术前宫颈准备效果。方法:选择50例绝经后健康妇女术时宫颈用探针探查,发现宫颈口封闭为对象。结论 :应用米非司酮、米索前列醇绝
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软体动物  苦难是个锤子  只能把一个吃过苦受过难的人  捶打成一名钢铁战士  作为一名钢铁战士  我属于浑身通透的导体  对我来说  人间真情就是一股高压电  一旦触电  我瞬间就会变成软体动物  像一只毛毛虫  五體投地春天就在眼前,我却浑然不觉  同志们都出差去了  整个二楼就成了我的世界  我又瘦又小  我的世界又虚又空  我把椅子放在走廊上  把自己放在椅子上  我打开手机  看了一篇关
Concentrations of some heavy metals and trace elements such as Cr, Ga, Ni, Zn, Mo, Cu, Pb, Yb, Y, Nb, Ti, Sr, Ba, Mn, Sc, Co, V, Zr, Fe, Al, W, Se, Bi, Sb, As,
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利用Nevanlinna值分布理论,讨论了f(k)fn的值分布, 推广了相关定理.
Part1人工智能的定义rn人工智能,世界三大尖端技术(空间技术、能源技术、人工智能)之一,其英文全称为“Artificial Intelligence”,即大家所熟悉的“AI”.根据百度百科的定义