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日本的设施园艺面积达4.2万公顷,占世界第一位,其中包括地膜、近地面覆盖。日本的设施园艺在两个方面已取得进展,一是简化了覆盖形式,二是有了植物工厂。日本有60%的设施园艺不用加温设备,聚氯乙烯温室占主导地位,因为它对长波辐射有良好的隔热效果。不用骨架或支架的近地面覆盖(浮膜),由于使用了可以透过水蒸汽的塑料网或膜,改善热效应有显著作用,很受生产者普遍欢迎。废旧塑料的处理方法已研制成功,现在日本全国各地政府负责抓这项工作。水培的NFT和草垅栽培普遍应用。温室用计算机调控有所发展。工厂化生产小萝卜苗和芽菜也被认识到是一种新方法。育苗生产虽尚未成为独立的行业,但是,随着机器人和先进的环境调控设备的应用,将要发展起来。一、简史早在公元1600年,日本开始使用油纸和草席来防御不良环境对作物的侵害。直到100年前,明治时代引进了欧洲型温室,然后,在大城市附近,建立了试验 Japan’s facilities gardening area of ​​42,000 hectares, accounting for the world’s first, including the film, near-surface coverage. Japan’s facilities and gardening has made progress in two aspects, one is to simplify the form of coverage, the other is to have a plant factory. In Japan, 60% of facilities do not have any horticultural facilities for gardening, and PVC-based greenhouses dominate because of its good thermal insulation effect on longwave radiation. Without the scaffolding or scaffold’s near-surface coverage (floats), producers are generally encouraged to improve their thermal effects by using a plastic mesh or membrane that is permeable to water vapor. The treatment of waste plastic has been successfully developed, and now Japan’s governments across the country are responsible for grasping this work. NFT and hydroponic cultivation are commonly used in hydroponics. Greenhouse computer control has been developed. Factory production of radish sprouts and sprouts is also recognized as a new method. Although seedling production has not yet become an independent industry, but with the robot and advanced environmental control equipment applications, will be developed. First, a brief history As early as 1600 AD, Japan began to use paper and straw mat to prevent adverse environmental damage to crops. Until 100 years ago, European-style greenhouses were introduced during the Meiji era, and then, around the big cities, tests were set up
  Based on Gaussian wave packet solutions of the time-dependent Schr(o)dinger equation,a generalization of the conventional creation and annihilation operator
果汁:利用打浆机或榨汁机从果实中榨取。若无机械设备,可将竹筐架在缸上。用木棒捣碎果实,挤压取汁。过滤后装入小口坛中,通入0.2%二氧化硫气体,密封待运。 Juice: Use a be
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