
来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liutongyang123
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11岁时,她下肢瘫痪,后来自学完高中课程;22岁时,她通过英语本科17门课程自学考试;23岁时,她考上南京师范大学外国语学院硕士研究生;26岁时,她开始攻读教育学博士学位,毕业后留在南师大教育科学学院任教;2006年12月她荣获“中国十大杰出青年”称号;2007年1月她被评为第六届“中国十大女杰”……面对诸多荣誉,侯晶晶更习惯将自己定位为南京师范大学教育科学学院的一名普通教师。她说:“人生似波浪起伏,有波峰波谷。无论处于何种境遇中,都应该尽量沉下心来做点事情,不要迷失方向。” At the age of 11, she was paralyzed from the lower limbs and then completed her high school course. At the age of 22, she passed the 17 self-study exams for English undergraduate courses. At the age of 23, she was admitted to Nanjing Normal University as a foreign language student. At the age of 26, Education Ph.D., after graduating from the Nanjing Normal University School of Education Science; December 2006 she won the “Ten Outstanding Young Persons in China” title; in January 2007 she was named the sixth “China Top Ten Nvjie ”...... In the face of many honors, Hou Jingjing more used to position themselves as an ordinary teacher of Nanjing Normal University School of Education. She said: “Life seems to be undulating, with troughs and valleys.Whatever your situation, you should try your best to do something and not lose yourself.” "
  AIDS,a collection of symptoms associated with a immunodeficiency caused by HIV.Since,the predominant route of transmission is through mucosal route,a vaccin
  CCR5,the chemokine co-receptor for HIV-1,has become a very popular target for blocking the entry of this deadly virus into cells.Several small molecule inhi
目的 为了解个性化产科护理在前置胎盘患者的作用,及其对患者和婴儿的影响.方法 ,在2019年6月至12月送治的130位前置胎盘患者进行病例分析实验.在实验结束后,对两组数据进行
  In confronting the pandemic,the most obvious strategy is to make treatment as widely available as possible.Beyond treatment,however,the focus should be on p
  The progression of HIV disease is now being markedly decreased by the use of Highly Active AntiRetroviralTherapy (HAART),which comprises combined therapy wi