Use and barriers to chromoendoscopy for dysplasia surveillance in inflammatory bowel disease

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanyanlong
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Traditionally,patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) have been thought to be at increased risk of developing colitis-associated colorectal cancer.Although there are recent data suggesting that rates of colitisassociated cancer in IBD patients is declining,current guidelines still recommend regular dysplasia surveillance for early detection and prevention of neoplasia in patients with IBD.White-light endoscopy with random biopsies has been the traditional approach for dysplasia detection;however,newer technologies and approaches have emerged.One method,dye-based chromoendoscopy,has the potential to detect more dysplasia.However,longitudinal data to showing a benefit in morbidity or mortality from the use of chromoendoscopy are still lacking.Many societies have included recommendation on the use of chromoendoscopy with targeted biopsies as a method of surveillance for colitis-associated colorectal cancer.This narrative review seeks to outline data on dysplasia detection as well as barriers to the implementation of dye-based chromoendoscopy for the prevention and early detection of colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Traditionally, patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have been thought to be at increased risk of developing colitis-associated colorectal cancer. There are recent data suggesting that rates of colitisassociated cancer in IBD patients is declining, current guidelines still recommend regular dysplasia surveillance for early detection and prevention of neoplasia in patients with IBD. White-light endoscopy with random biopsies has been the traditional approach for dysplasia detection; however, newer technologies and methods have occurred. One way, dye-based chromoendoscopy, has the potential to detect More dysplasia. However, longitudinal data to showing a benefit in morbidity or mortality from the use of chromoendoscopy are still lacking. Major societies have included recommendation on the use of chromoendoscopy with targeted biopsies as a method of surveillance for colitis-associated colorectal cancer. narrative review seeks to outline data on dysplasia detection as well as barriers to the implementation of dye-based chromoendoscopy for the prevention and early detection of colitis-associated colorectal cancer.
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