
来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:joeybaobao
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Various water wave problems involving an infinitely long horizontal cylinder floating on the surface water were investigated in the literature of linearized theory of water waves employing a general multipole expansion for the wave potential. This expansion involves a general combination of a regular wave, a wave source, a wave dipole and a regular wave-free part. The wave-free part can be further expanded in terms of wave-free multipoles which are termed as wave-free potentials. These are singular solutions of Laplace’s equation (for non-oblique waves in two dimensions) or two-dimensional Helmholz equation (for oblique waves) satisfying the free surface condition and decaying rapidly away from the point of singularity. The method of constructing these wave-free potentials is presented here in a systematic manner for a number of situations such as deep water with a free surface, neglecting or taking into account the effect of surface tension, or with an ice-cover modelled as a thin elastic plate floating on water. Various water wave problems involving an infinitely long horizontal cylinder floating on the surface water were investigated in the literature of linearized theory of water waves employing a general multipole expansion for the wave potential. This expansion involves a general combination of a regular wave, a wave source , a wave dipole and a regular wave-free part. The wave-free part can be further expanded in terms of wave-free multipoles which are termed as wave-free potentials. These are singular solutions of Laplace’s equation (for non-oblique waves in two dimensions) or two-dimensional Helmholtz equation (for oblique waves) satisfying the free surface condition and decaying quickly from the point of singularity. The method of constructing these wave-free potentials is presented here in a systematic manner for a number of situations such as deep water with a free surface, neglecting or taking into account the effect of surface tension, or with an ice-cover modelled as a thin ela stic plate floating on water.
摘要:随着我国投资体制改革的不断深入,我国监理企业业务局限性和不足也逐步显现,本文针对工程监理企业存在的主要问题进行了分析,并提出了工程监理企业向工程项目管理企业转化的思考。  关键词:工程监理;项目管理;转化  中图分类号:E271文献标识码: A  引言  随着我国各项建设法规和条例的出台,引发了我国工程监理企业向工程项目管理企业转变的内在要求。从近年来我国国内工程监理企业运行实践来看,监理企
摘要:工程实行招标投标制度,是使工程项目建设任务的委托纳入市场机制,本文对工程招投标阶段造价管理与控制要素进行研究。  关键词:工程;招投标阶段;造价管理与控制;要素  中图分类号:E271文献标識码: A  前言  随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展、国家政策的不断完善,我国工程建设无论是速度还是规模上都取得了重大突破。在工程方面,工程招标阶段对工程造价进行控制是投资管理的关键环节。  一、进行
摘要:加强房屋建筑施工安全管理教育,强化施工安全管理,建立健全建筑施工安全保障机制,是维持建筑事业持续、健康和稳定发展的重要保证和基础。本文对当前房屋建筑施工安全管理的现状进行了分析,提出了加强房屋建筑施工安全管理的措施,以保证房屋建筑工程施工的进度和质量。  关键词:房屋建筑;安全管理;施工管理;措施  中图分类号:TU714文献标识码: A    1 前言  经济的高速发展,城市建设步伐的快速
摘要:良好的建筑工程管理不仅仅是提升企业社会形象也是企业获取经济效益在市场竞争中占得先机的重要保障。建筑工程管理贯穿于项目建设整个过程中,它保证了建筑工程项目按照国家标准、行业规定、合同要求完成,保证了建筑工程的质量要求,保证了施工企业的经济效益,保证了国家经济建设。  关键词:建筑工程;工程管理;问题思考  中图分类号: TU198 文献标识码: A  引言  随着我国建筑业的不断发展,建筑工程
The Kuroshio frontal instable processes (KFIP) in the East China Sea (ECS) not only have a great impact on the hydrologic characteristics,the pollutants drift,t
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【摘 要】 开发管理是指房地产开发企业为顺利完成工程项目的开发而对公司内部的人事、财务、工程、销售及后勤部门进行的组织和管理,也是企业为成功实现规划管理、施工管理及物业管理所采取的经营模式。本问分析了房地产开发中建筑工程施工阶段质量控制管理问题、重点和难点,以透彻领悟如何搞好房地产开发中建筑工程施工管理,促进房地产项目顺利开展,保证房企在经济危机“寒流”中生存下来并实现升级转型稳步发展。  【关键
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摘要:建筑工程施工技术管理工作在整个建筑施工过程中占有非常重要的地位,施工企业只有通过采取先进的技术管理措施,充分运用新技术和新设备,促进施工技术的现代化进程,提高施工人员的职业技术水平,提高工施工的劳动生产率,保证现场施工秩序的安全稳定,才能确保建筑工程的质量和品质,实现工程经济效益的最大化,同时获得市场竞争的主动权。  关键词:建筑工程;技术管理;关键问题  中图分类号:TU198文献标识码: