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性格是心理素质的重要组成部分,而早期性格教育是影响性格构成的重要因素。儿童心理发展可塑性很大,这一时期是培养他们优秀心理品质,防止不良个性形成的关键时期。为此家长应有意识地采取各种方法,来塑造、锤炼、修整、完善孩子的性格。 心理学家经研究发现,有两类人的性格比较坚强,心理素质良好。一类是在人生道路上遇到的艰难困苦很多,在与逆境的搏斗中,增强了应付困 Personality is an important part of psychological quality, and early personality education is an important factor affecting the formation of personality. Childhood psychological development plasticity, this period is to develop their excellent psychological quality, to prevent the formation of bad personality critical period. To this end, parents should consciously take various methods to shape, temper, trim, improve the child’s personality. Psychologists have found through research that there are two types of people who are relatively strong in character and good in psychological quality. One is the difficulties and hardships encountered on the road to life. In the struggle against adversity, the difficulties and difficulties encountered
基于安徒生童话《白雪皇后》改编的动画电影《冰雪奇缘》风靡全球,黛米·洛瓦特演唱的主题曲Let it go红遍网络,被众多网友翻唱,不仅出现了方言版,还出现了金坷垃版、林冲版
焦虑是人们因生活或工作中的问题无法解决而产生的着急和忧虑的情绪表现。怎样才能知道你现在正处在焦虑中呢?看看你是否有以下症状:  ●日常生活中的事件(指非突发事件)让你时时刻刻都操心不已。  ●你至少有三种下列症状:过度激动或者觉得压力太大、疲倦、不能集中精力、记忆减退、易怒、肌肉紧张、失眠。  ●你很难忘掉烦恼,即使看电影或者给朋友打电话时也一样。  ●你的忧虑已经让你的社会行为出现明显的痛苦或干
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Helicobacter pylori(H pylori),a gastric pathogen,is a major cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease,and is an important risk factor for the developm
AIM:To explore a method to establish an animal model of ischemic type intrahepatic biliary lesion in rabbits. METHODS:Forty Japanese white rabbits of clean grad