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长白山位于吉林省东南部,景色瑰丽,资源丰富,是我国的名山。在长白山主峰白头山顶,有久负盛名的天池。这是中朝两国的界湖。池周奇峰耸立,群山环抱中有一火山口,泉水涌积成湖,名曰天池。天池海跋2194米,是典型的高山湖泊;池呈盆状,面积9.2平方公里,最深处312.7米。风静时,湖面波光粼粼,好似一面镜子,安放在安图、抚松、长白三县的交界处。池水终年外流不息,松花江上游二道白河发源于此。水位常年无大变化,当风力达5级时,浪高可达1米以上。水温较低,一年当中有半年以上结冰。天池内壁,是白色的浮石和粗面岩组成的悬崖峭壁。天池有 Changbai Mountain is located in the southeast of Jilin Province. It has magnificent scenery and abundant resources. It is a famous mountain in China. On the top of the peak of Baitou Mountain in Changbai Mountain, there is the famous Tianchi. This is the boundary lake between China and North Korea. Chizhou Qifeng stands, and there is a crater in the mountains. The spring water flows into a lake and is called Tianchi. Tianchi Hailu 2194 meters, is a typical alpine lake; pool was pot-shaped, an area of ​​9.2 square kilometers, the deepest 312.7 meters. When the wind is quiet, the lake is sparkling, like a mirror, placed at the junction of the three counties of Antu, Fusong and Changbai. The outflow of pool water all the year round, the Erdaobai River upstream of the Songhua River originated here. There is no major change in water level throughout the year. When the wind reaches level 5, the wave height can reach more than 1 meter. The water temperature is low, and there are more than half a year’s icing. The inner wall of Tianchi is a cliff made up of white pumice stones and rough rocks. Tianchi has
[Objective] The aim was to explore the achievement motivation of the university student village officials in the suburbs of Beijing.[Method] The research made a
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