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为了提高兔粪资源化利用效率,减少堆肥时间,提高有机肥生产效率和质量,为规模化兔场的兔粪处理提供技术储备,以兔粪、菌渣为原料进行高温堆肥。设置3个试验组和1个对照组,分别使用3种菌剂进行处理,研究了不同菌剂对兔粪菌渣高温堆肥过程中的物理、化学指标变化产生的影响。结果表明:试验组与对照组的堆体温度均达到正常发酵温度,且堆体温度高于50℃的天数大于14天。能够有效地杀死致病菌、蛔虫卵和杂草种子,达到了兔粪无害化处理的目的。堆肥结束后,有机质含量均高于45%,满足有机肥标准中对有机质的要求。但是C/N过高,腐熟程度不高,且总养分含量低于我国有机肥标准,需进行二次堆肥提高腐熟度,增加物料中总养分的质量分数。兔粪与菌渣混合堆肥,能降低物料中Cu、Zn的含量,且辅料添加量越大,Cu、Zn含量降低幅度越大。添加菌剂均能提高堆体高温期温度,延长高温期持续时间,提高堆肥质量,但不能缩短堆肥时间,所以在兔粪堆肥中添加菌剂意义不大。 In order to improve the resource utilization efficiency of rabbit manure, reduce the composting time, improve the efficiency and quality of organic fertilizer production, provide technical reserve for rabbit manure processing in large-scale rabbit farm and use high-temperature composting of rabbit manure and bacteria residue as raw materials. Three experimental groups and one control group were set up. Three kinds of fungicides were used for the treatment respectively. The effects of different fungicides on the changes of physical and chemical indexes in high temperature composting of fecal sludge from rabbits were studied. The results showed that the temperature of the pile body of the experimental group and the control group reached the normal fermentation temperature, and the days when the temperature of the pile body was higher than 50 ℃ were more than 14 days. Can effectively kill pathogens, roundworm eggs and weed seeds, reaching the purpose of decontamination of rabbit manure. After compost, the organic matter content is higher than 45%, to meet the organic fertilizer standard organic requirements. But C / N is too high, the degree of maturity is not high, and the total nutrient content is lower than China’s organic fertilizer standards, the need for secondary compost improve maturity, increase the mass fraction of total nutrients in the material. The mixed composting of rabbit feces and bacteria residue can reduce the content of Cu and Zn in the material, and the greater the amount of auxiliary materials, the greater the decrease of Cu and Zn content. Add bacteriocides can increase the body temperature temperature, prolong the duration of high temperature, improve the quality of compost, but can not shorten the compost time, so add the fungicide in rabbits composting little significance.
分别采用悬浮液吸附混合法、胶乳混合并开炼法制备填充份数0~300 phr、0~60 phr的羧基丁苯橡胶/白炭黑(XSBR/A200)复合物,采用温度调制示差扫描量热法(TMDSC)研究复合物的玻