Structural changes in pyramidal cell dendrites and synapses in the unaffected side of the sensorimot

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liantonglingsheng
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Very little is known about the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation and rehabilitation training on pyramidal cell dendrites and synapses of the contralateral,unaffected sensorimotor cortex in a rat model of focal cerebral infarct.The present study was designed to explore the mechanisms underlying improved motor function via transcranial magnetic stimulation and rehabilitation training following cerebral infarction.Results showed that rehabilitation training or transcranial magnetic stimulation alone reduced neurological impairment in rats following cerebral infarction,as well as significantly increased synaptic curvatures and post-synaptic density in the non-injured cerebral hemisphere sensorimotor cortex and narrowed the synapse cleft width.In addition,the percentage of perforated synapses increased.The combination of transcranial magnetic stimulation and rehabilitation resulted in significantly increased total dendritic length,dendritic branching points,and dendritic density in layer V pyramidal cells of the non-injured cerebral hemisphere motor cortex.These results demonstrated that transcranial magnetic stimulation and rehabilitation training altered structural parameters of pyramidal cell dendrites and synapses in the non-injured cerebral hemisphere sensorimotor cortex,thereby improving the ability to compensate for neurological functions in rats following cerebral infarction. Very little is known about the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation and rehabilitation training on pyramidal cell dendrites and synapses of the contralateral, unaffected sensorimotor cortex in a rat model of focal cerebral infarct. The present study was designed to explore the mechanisms underlying advanced motor function Transcranial magnetic stimulation and rehabilitation training following cerebral infarction. Results indicate that rehabilitation training or transcranial magnetic stimulation alone reduced neurological impairment in rats following cerebral infarction, as well as significantly increased synaptic curvatures and post-synaptic density in the non-forwarded cerebral hemisphere sensorimotor cortex and narrowed the synapse cleft width. In addition, the percentage of perforated synapses increased. the combination of transcranial magnetic stimulation and rehabilitation resulted in significantly increased total dendritic length, dendritic branching points, and dendritic density in layer V pyramidal cells of the non-affected cerebral hemisphere motor cortex. the results of which transcranial magnetic stimulation and rehabilitation training altered structural parameters of pyramidal cell dendrites and synapses in the non-affected cerebral hemisphere sensorimotor cortex, thereby improving the ability to compensate for neurological functions in rats following cerebral infarction.
主持人语  日常生活中,我们经常会看到这样的情形:孩子们一起参加一项有竞争性的活动,有的孩子失利后会极度失望,甚至发脾气、哭闹,但有的孩子却能安然接受失败并以积极的心态重新投入活动中。我们会说前一种孩子心理承受能力太差,输不起,后一种孩子心态好,心理承受能力强。为什么孩子会有这样的不同呢?究其原因,在于孩子“内心是否强大”。通常,具有强大内心的孩子,承受能力强,成长过程中会保持情绪稳定,胜不骄,败
不轻易对孩子问题作整体性评价,如“你真笨”或“你真聪明”。  不要说“你看看你,再看看人家!”这样横向比较的话。  对孩子的失控行为要有惩罚、批评、说理、引导、冷落、暂停、取消权利等多方面措施的选择,放任自流是不正确的。  培养好品质,必然在孩子做错事后激发他的内疚、自责、羞愧等负面情感。  要保持家庭成员间教育的一致。  教育艺术体现在教育者与被教育者的情感关系中。  父母具有较好的情绪和行为控
【内容摘要】文章通过采用父母养育方式评价量表(EMBU)对某校300名中职生进行了问卷调查,来探讨父母教养方式对中职生健康成长的影响。  【关键词】中职生 父母教养方式 研究及分析  父母教养方式形成、发展于亲子互动过程,它包含父母对于教养子女的观念和行为、以及父母对子女的情感。父母教养方式是相对稳定的,不随情景变化,它是父母与子女沟通的本质,是个体社会化的重要影响因素。中职生作为中国教育体系中的