Applicability of five models to simulate water infiltration into soil with added biochar

来源 :Journal of Arid Land | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjr_1988
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As a soil amendment, biochar can reduce soil bulk density, increase soil porosity, and alter soil aggregates and thus affect the infiltration. Researchers have proposed and revised several theoretical models to describe the process of soil infiltration. Although these models have been successfully used to evaluate the soil infiltration in different scenarios in agricultural fields, little effort has been devoted to assess their performances in arid and semi-arid soils after the addition of biochar. A laboratory experiment was performed to study the infiltration characteristics of two typical Loess Plateau soils at three particle sizes(2–1, 1–0.25, and <0.25 mm) and five biochar application amounts(0, 10, 50, 100, and 150 g/kg). The performance of five models(i.e., the Philip model, Kostiakov model, Mezencev model, USDA-NRCS model, and Horton model) in simulating the infiltration process was then evaluated based on the adjusted coefficient of determination and a reduced Chi-Square test. Results indicated that the Horton model best simulated the water-infiltration process in an aeolian sandy soil with added biochar. However, the Mezencev model best simulated the infiltration process in a loamy clay soil(Eum-Orthic Anthrosol). The three-parameter model, i.e., Mezencev and Horton models can better describe the relationship between cumulative infiltration and infiltration time. In conclusion, biochar reduced the soil infiltration capacity of the aeolian sandy soil and increased that of the Eum-Orthic Anthrosol. Researchers have proposed and revised several theoretical models to describe the process of soil infiltration. Although these models have been successfully used to evaluate the soil infiltration in different scenarios in agricultural fields, little effort has been devoted to assess their performances in arid and semi-arid soils after the addition of biochar. A laboratory experiment was performed to study the infiltration characteristics of two typical Loess Plateau soils at The performance of five models (ie, the Philip model, the Philip model) is based on three particle sizes (2-1, 1-0.25, and <0.25 mm) and five biochar application amounts (0, 10, 50, 100, and 150 g / Kostiakov model, Mezencev model, USDA-NRCS model, and Horton model) in simulating the infiltration process was then evaluated based on the adjusted coefficient of determination and a reduced Chi-Square t est. Results indicated that the Horton model best simulated the water-infiltration process in an aeolian sandy soil with added biochar. However, the Mezencev model best simulated the infiltration process in a loamy clay soil (Eum-Orthic Anthrosol). The three-parameter model, ie, Mezencev and Horton models can better describe the relationship between cumulative infiltration and infiltration time. In conclusion, biochar reduced the soil infiltration capacity of the aeolian sandy soil and increased that of the Eum-Orthic Anthrosol.
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目的 采用经侧脑室灌注25℃林格氏液的方法对实验动物创伤性脑损伤进行亚低温治疗,观察其疗效并初步探讨相关治疗机制.方法 共选取21只新西兰兔,将其随机分为对照组、颅脑外伤组及亚低温组.颅脑外伤组及亚低温组选用重物自由落体撞击方式制作脑损伤模型,对亚低温组实验动物脑损伤部位给予亚低温干预(经侧脑室灌流25℃林格氏液).待治疗结束后提取各组实验动物损伤灶脑组织,分别检测其水、Na+、K+含量,同时观察
例1 男。32岁,2000年8月因氧气爆炸致烧伤,总面积97%、其中Ⅲ度94%TBSA,合并重度吸入性损伤。患者伤后30min入院,意识清楚,体温37.5℃,脉搏132次/min,呼吸38次/min,血压85/50mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa)。导出血红蛋白尿约50ml,行深静脉置管和气管切开,快速补液。伤后第1个24h补液17500ml,其中电解质14000ml、胶体3500ml(血浆
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