
来源 :新疆医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sk01230147
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目的分析新疆维吾尔自治区胸科医院277例结核患者使用PCR探针溶解曲线法进行结核分枝杆菌基因扩增试验的结果。方法使用PCR探针溶解曲线法对2015年1-5月新疆维吾尔自治区胸科医院277例结核患者进行结核分枝杆菌基因扩增试验的结果,与结核分支杆菌基因扩增检测(mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification detection,mtd)960试验的结果进行对比,统计使用PCR探针溶解曲线法进行结核分枝杆菌基因扩增试验的阳性率、假阴性率,与mtd960试验的差异性。结果 2015年1-5月试验总人数诊断“结核”患者共277人,其中使用PCR探针溶解曲线法进行结核分枝杆菌基因扩增试验与mtd960试验结果均为阴性的病人数共115人(41.51%),使用PCR探针溶解曲线法进行结核分枝杆菌基因扩增试验与mtd960试验结果均为阳性且结果一致的病人共74人(26.71%)。仅使用PCR探针溶解曲线法进行结核分枝杆菌基因扩增试验结果阳性的病人共37人(13.36%)。结核分枝杆菌基因扩增试验与mtd960试验结果不一致的病人数共15人(5.42%)。对照组为诊断“非结核”患者共299人,使用PCR探针溶解曲线法进行结核分枝杆菌基因扩增试验与mtd960试验结果均为阴性,统计结果表明PCR探针溶解曲线法诊断阳性率高于mtd960试验。结论此论著用于探讨使用PCR探针溶解曲线法进行结核分枝杆菌基因扩增试验在结核病人提前诊断及指导用药的意义。 Objective To analyze the results of PCR amplification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification in 277 tuberculosis patients in Chest Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Methods The PCR amplification curve was used to analyze the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification test in 277 tuberculosis patients from January to May 2015 in the Thoracic Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The results of mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification detection, mtd) 960 test results were compared, statistics using PCR probe lysing curve method for Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification test positive rate, false negative rate, and mtd960 test differences. Results A total of 277 patients with “tuberculosis” were diagnosed from January to May in 2015. The total number of patients with negative results of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification test and the mtd960 test using the PCR probe lysing curve method was 115 (41.51%). There were 74 patients (26.71%) with positive results of mtd960 assay and the same results using the PCR probe lysing curve method for Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification test. Thirty-seven patients (13.36%) were positive with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification assay using PCR probe lysis curve only. A total of 15 patients (5.42%) were infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification test and the results of mtd960 test were inconsistent. In the control group, there were 299 patients diagnosed as “non-tuberculosis”. PCR amplification curve was used to detect the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification test and mtd960 test results were negative. The statistical results showed that PCR probe lysing curve method was positive Rate higher than mtd960 test. Conclusion This essay is intended to investigate the significance of PCR amplification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene amplification test in patients with tuberculosis in advance diagnosis and guidance of medication.
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