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对于技术这一在人类社会中产生的、具有丰富的伦理与政治意含的重要现象,人文主义学者自然要从人的利益出发加以批判与反省。本文就是对人文主义视野中的这种技术图景所做的一个初步研究,它所试图表明的是,人文主义学者所提供的各种技术批判理论并不是反技术的、拒斥技术的。人文主义对技术的批判具有它的理论向度,它所反抗的是隐含在其中的文化的根本理趣与假设,如人类中心论、理性的工具化倾向。同时,人文主义对技术的批判也有它的社会合理性,它所关心的是技术与人的关系,人类的未来。因此,作为技术文明的解毒剂,人文主义对技术的批判为我们重新估价技术,探索技术与人类、社会、自然的关系,摆正技术在人类文明中的位置提出了一个新的视角 For the important phenomenon of technology, which is rich in ethical and political meaning, generated in human society, humanistic scholars must naturally criticize and reflect on the interests of the people. This article is a preliminary study of this technical landscape in the field of humanism. What it attempts to make clear is that the various theories of technological criticism provided by humanist scholars are not anti-technical and technology-rejecting. Humanistic criticism of technology has its theoretical dimension. What it opposes is the fundamental interests and assumptions of the culture implied in it, such as anthropocentrism and rational instrumental tendency. At the same time, humanistic criticism of technology also has its social rationality. What it cares about is the relationship between technology and human beings, and the future of mankind. Therefore, as an antidote to technology civilization, criticism of technology by humanism provides a new perspective for us to revalue technology, explore the relationship between technology and human beings, society and nature, and put the position of technology in human civilization
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。面包奇观——摄自金象杯面包烘焙大赛四川烹专赛区@沈涛 Please download to view, this article does not support online acc
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