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《中国建筑简史》的出版,正如出版说明中所说:“是最近三年来我国建筑理论及历史工作在党的领导下,走群众路线,开展学术讨论,大搞协作的初步结果。”这虽只是一部简史,但却包括了从原始社会到半殖民地半封建社会时期的全部建筑史,内容是相当丰富的。 建国以来,特别是自1958年以来,在党的总路线、大跃进、人民公社三面红旗的鼓舞下,建筑事业和其它事业一样在一日千里的发展着。如何创造我国社会主义的建筑风格、正确地对待传统与革新,是这时候突出的新问题之一。编写建筑史的工作,就是在这样的客观形势下开始的。这部简史还不是建筑理论及历史研究工作的成熟的果实,“我国建筑理论及历史的研究工作只是开始,前面的道路还是很长的。中国建筑简史的编写不过是将来编写系统的、完整的中国建筑通史的一种简要稿本”(出版说明)。 The publication of “A Brief History of Chinese Architecture”, as stated in the publication notes, “is the preliminary result of the architectural theory and historical work in China in the past three years under the leadership of the party, taking the mass line, conducting academic discussions, and collaborating vigorously.” Although it is only a brief history, it includes all the architectural history from primitive society to semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. The content is quite rich. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and especially since 1958, under the encouragement of the party’s general line, the Great Leap Forward, and the red flag on the three sides of the people’s communes, the construction industry has developed in the same way as other businesses. How to create the architectural style of our socialism and correctly treat tradition and innovation is one of the prominent new issues at this time. The work of writing the history of architecture began under such an objective situation. This brief history is not yet a mature fruit of architectural theory and historical research. “The study of Chinese architectural theories and history is only the beginning. The road ahead is still very long. The preparation of a brief history of Chinese architecture is nothing more than the preparation of systems in the future. A complete draft of the general history of Chinese architecture" (Publishing Instructions).
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数学(全国卷)本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,第Ⅰ卷1至2页,第Ⅱ卷2至4页,共150分.考试时间120分钟. Mathematics (National Volume) This paper is divid
在各种会议上我们经常看到这样的场面:由于发言者身材高矮不一,工作人员就得不时在台上为他们调节麦克风支架的 In various meetings we often see such scenes: due to the