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汽车行业的生产与销售,是伴随着国民经济的发展而发展的.近几年因经济过热以致生产、基建、物资、信贷等方面失去平衡,加之流通领域的混乱,导致物价上涨和经济秩序的紊乱.国民生产总值按可比价格计算,1988年增长速度估计达12%左右,工业总产值速度可达17%左右,固定资产投资规模平均每年递增20%以上.增长速度显然过快,所以国家开始执行治理经济环境,整顿经济秩序,全面深化改革的方针政策和措 The production and sales of the automobile industry have been accompanied by the development of the national economy, which has lost its balance of production, infrastructure, materials and credit in recent years due to the overheating of the economy, coupled with chaos in the circulation area that has led to the rise in prices and the economic order The gross national product (GNP) is calculated at comparable prices, with an estimated growth rate of about 12% in 1988 and an industrial output rate of about 17%, with an average increase of more than 20% in fixed asset investment each year. Begin to implement the principles, policies and measures for governing the economic environment, rectifying the economic order and deepening the reform in an all-round way
期刊名称总被引频次 (名次 )影响因子 (名次 )即年指标自引率他引率ChinChemLett 2 79( 15 ) 0 .14 7( 2 4) 0 .0 47 0 .2 2 0 .78ChinJPolymSci 62 ( 2 5 ) 0 .2 17( 2 1) 0 .0 70 0 .440 .5 6催化学
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