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译者点评:今年1月25日,36岁的萨卡什堆利宣誓就任格鲁吉亚新总统,从而成了欧洲最年轻的当选国家元首。格鲁吉亚位于高加索地区,虽是个小国.但战略地位重要,是美俄争夺的重要对象。苏联解体以来,贪污腐败和分离主义冲突使格鲁吉亚经济受到重创,并吓跑了投资,国家财政被开工不足的影子经济耗尽,国内问题成堆。国际上,萨卡什维利保证在加强同美国关系的同时修补同俄罗斯紧张的关系,但谈何容易。美军正在训练格鲁吉亚军队,美国驻格大使成了格政坛熟悉的脸孔,而俄罗斯也绝不示弱.它仍是格出口物资最大的市场,几乎垄断了格的能源供应,俄罗斯人拖延从格撤走苏联时代的两个军事基地。美俄较劲给萨卡什维利出了难题。分析家指出,萨卡什维利必须迅速解决内外交困的这些问题,否则.人民会失去耐心。无论如何.萨卡什维利将引领格鲁吉亚走西方道路,这点是显而易见的。本文可以同“寰球人物”中刊登的萨卡什维利夫妇的人物介绍结合起来阅读,以加深对格鲁吉亚政局的了解。 Translator Comments: On January 25 this year, 36-year-old Saakashiteli was sworn in as the new Georgian president, and thus became the youngest elected head of state in Europe. Georgia is located in the Caucasus region. Although it is a small country, its important strategic position is an important object for the United States and Russia to compete for. Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, corruption and the conflict of separatism have caused the Georgian economy to be hit hard and scared away investment. The country’s fiscal economy has been depleted and the shadow economy has run out. Domestic problems have piled up. Internationally, Saakashvili pledged to repair tensions with Russia while strengthening relations with the United States, but it was easier said than done. The U.S. military is training Georgian troops. The U.S. ambassador to Georgia has become a face familiar to the political arena, and Russia does not show weakness. It is still the largest market for Georgian export goods, and it almost monopolizes Georgia’s energy supply. The Russians delay the withdrawal from Georgia. Take two military bases in the Soviet era. The United States and Russia have given Saakashvili a problem. Analysts pointed out that Saakashvili must quickly solve these problems of internal and diplomatic difficulties. Otherwise, the people will lose patience. No matter what, Saakashvili will lead Georgia to take the Western path. This is obvious. This article can be read in conjunction with the character introductions of the Saakashvili couples published in The Ryukyu Characters to deepen understanding of the political situation in Georgia.
《孙子兵法·形篇》中强调通过积极的战争准备、充分的了解对手 ,通过集中优势兵力、避强击弱、争取战场主动、制造和扩大敌人的错误等方法 ,使自己处于“胜兵先胜而后求战”
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