Research on the environmental art design esthetics from the Shanghai World Expo

来源 :中国学术研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong460
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  Abstract: The scope of the research on environmental art design esthetics is extremely widespread, which means that the significance of the study on environmental art and design aesthetics is particularly important. Analysis of this paper is on environmental art design in architecture, landscape, public facilities, which taking the Shanghai World Expo as an example to discuss the aesthetics research in environmental art design.
  Keyword: Architecture;landscape;public facilities; design aesthetics
  The environment art design aesthetics use in the appearance of the building.
  Through understanding this subject of environmental art and design , then the further study of environmental art design esthetics. Design aesthetics is a relatively new aesthetic branch, in the environment art design, aesthetics applied widely for indoor and outdoor. The environment art design is a kind of understanding of space, which is not only reflects the natural environment, but also embodies a kind of cultural environment, social environment and psychological environment; therefore, the environment art has a certain social and cultural. In today's science and technology development and rapid situation, environmental space fully satisfy the people's needs, people started the research and extension of the aesthetic. First performance in the construction of understanding, in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo many pavilions architectural style is an understanding of the architectural design aesthetics. Many of the venues are using the straight line and curve elements collocation is used to build venues, and the curves and straight lines is applied to architecture and landscape with. That is consistent with the functional and aesthetic point of view is reflected, it is to use the formal beauty. Since we emphasize the rule of beauty in form, either in single line or curve decoration we will feel no rhythm, stiff and single, the combination of the two is to break this feeling, this combination can enable building increase liquidity, enhance the aesthetic lines, such as Africa Joint Pavilion which although only a square box shape, but the curve shape its desert, trees, animal to outline the continent of Africa perfect shape, vivid display of the vitality of ancient civilization .And as the Canadian Pavilion, the Germany pavilion, the French Pavilion and so on are also the perfect embodiment in a straight line and curve shape. The green plants around building play an important role in the design. In the rich change rhythm, plant brought visual aesthetic feeling to people, plays a mediating climate function and mobility increase air, give people the spiritual enjoyment, such as the tall coconut tree in Saudi Arabia Pavilion "moon boat". The overall effect on venues have beautification effect very good, suitable for the atmosphere.   From the design aesthetic point of view, building environment design is a kind of functional beauty, which is the first one of the ‘three beauty’ in the design aesthetics. rationality of aesthetic architectural design emphasizes the use of functions and the use of space, coordination with the surrounding environment and exterior condition, function is emphasized certain geographical characteristics and the individual to understand, also want to let people know the national culture psychology, and satisfy the people visual and psychological feelings, reflect the beauty of form and function of beauty, so that we can put the art language into the building. The 2010 Shanghai World Expo Theme Pavilion will traditional Lane texture extraction transplanted to the theme pavilion roof.
  The environment art design aesthetics in the green landscape.
  The second beauty of design aesthetics is the beauty of science. Art design is the result of combination of technology and art, and the unity of science and art is the most essential feature design. Art design is the aesthetic design, art design is the designer seeking and exploring the beauty process, expression and physical beauty. If the design of artists and scientists are also the pursuit of beauty, then, scientists have found in the search for and, while the artist is to create in the search for and. In the environment art design aesthetics of landscape green space can be said to be a kind of scientific exploration and expression, expression of the understanding of beauty through the scientific method, Landscape Green Expo Center Planning fully embody a bit, Expo Center of the park landscape planning based on five major problems and challenges on the forward, the overall idea of planning a series of scientific ecology. To solve the five problems fully reflects the exploration of aesthetic design, but also can reflect the design aesthetics of "Three Beauties" in the beauty of science research, the Shanghai World Expo Center Green Design Problems and challenges, scientific settlement landscape aesthetic creation, to become the organic composition part and green landscape, ecological environmental protection.
  To solve the five problems fully reflects the exploration of aesthetic design, but also can reflect the design aesthetics of "Three Beauties" in the beauty of science research, the Shanghai World Expo Center Green Design Problems and challenges, scientific settlement landscape aesthetic creation, to become the organic composition part and green landscape, ecological environmental protection. These plans are reasonable solutions to the landscape ecological and scientific. The final selection of The Shanghai Expo site has strategic vision and profound implication. The transformation of old industrial area of the city center, on both sides of the Huangpu River, such a transformation of old industrial base and the combination of the landscape, landscape ecological restoration function display has become another focus attract sb.'s attention. Effective utilization of industrial heritage and landscape transformation, maintain and strengthen the historical and cultural characteristics of the city. Application of purification technology construction and water along the river ecological wetland, realize the protection and reconstruction of ecological city. Create a waterfront multi-function ecological corridor, greatly improving the ecological quality of the city center area. The landscape in the construction of three-dimensional space type greening, the achievements of the green energy-saving building integrated design. The exhibition site landscape design typical, in solving a system of space complex coordination problems at the same time, showing the humanized efficient landscape environment. The design is certainly not a manifestation of environmental design aesthetics, another explanation to the cultural transformation, every environmental design aesthetics is a understanding and improve, this increase reaction in the works to benefit from our people.
  The functional beauty, form beauty and technical beauty in many interactive designs, and the factors of aesthetic, function, form and environment, form a whole in landscaping structure, comprehensive and all blend into one harmonious and creative aesthetic value. In short, the Shanghai World Expo will be the full expression of the people thinking of design, the full performance of the environment design aesthetic understanding. Expo 2010 will become the Chinese business card, in which we could find the beauty of design aesthetics.
摘 要:以人为本是设计的基准,没有中心便不能算做设计,设计是人对现实需求和愿望的诠释,人的需求和愿望是设计的最终目的,并且设计不可能凭空出现,必须依托于现实,而设计的实现则依托于现实的物质,二者相辅相成。  关键词:以人为本;室内设计;标准和基线;个人的理解  “设计是把一种计划、规划、设想通过视觉的形式传达出来的活动过程;人们通过劳动改造世界、创造文明,创造物质财富和精神财富,而最基础、最主要的
摘 要:由于视觉航标的直接标识作用,在来往船舶频密、水文地理情况复杂的港口水域加强视觉航标建设,充分发挥视觉航标的助航作用是实现港口良性交通管理的必要前提。本文结合蓬莱中柏京鲁船业舾装码头灯桩配布实践,分析了码头灯塔、灯桩配布的意义和原则,对灯塔、灯桩设计配布的决定因素进行了分析和研究。  关键词:港口航标配布;视觉航标;灯塔灯桩的设计  0.引言  自古以来沿海地区就因港而兴,因港而荣。2011
摘 要:事实作品由于其内容的特殊性,其独创性判断往往涉及到如何正确区分作品中的思想、事实与表达,独创性的标准和体现等一系列与版权法理论基础紧密相关的问题,因而一直都是司法实践的难点。在事实性汇编作品的场合,如果作者对事实的选择、协调或编排具备最低限度的创造性,其应当获得版权保护;如果仅仅是对事实的调查本身不能够使该事实具有可版权性。美国作为版权法最为发达的国家,其对事实性汇编作品的可版权性的研究为
研究自由和秩序的法律价值及其关系具有重大意义。从理论上看,对此问题的研究有助于我们更深入地探讨法律价值,正确地理解自由和秩序的关系,从而为实践中正确处理自由和秩序的矛盾提供理论依据;从现实方面来看,了解自由和秩序的关系后才能在两者之间做出正确的价值选择,并将两者的冲突减小到最低限度,使这两者更好地结合起来,为社会主义法制建设服务。  一、法律的自由价值和秩序价值的内涵  (一)法律价值的概念  对
一、执行和解的内涵、本质特征及重要意义  修改后的《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二百三十条规定:“在执行中,双方当事人自行和解达成协议的,执行员应当将协议内容记入笔录,由双方当事人签名或者盖章。申请执行人因受欺诈、胁迫与被执行人达成和解协议,或者当事人不履行和解协议的,人民法院可以根据当事人的申请,恢复对原生效法律文书的执行。”  最高人民法院《关于人民法院执行工作若干问题的规定(试行)》第86条
摘 要:宋杂剧是我国戏剧史上一个重要转型时期,戏剧从这个时期成为一个独立的演出形式,为此后元、明、清时期戏剧的繁盛打下了基础。集30年的关于宋杂剧的文献资料,作如下叙事。  关键词:宋杂剧;叙事;元杂剧;南戏  兰文蕙的《宋杂剧初探》一文从宋杂剧的特点、演出规模、场地、角色等等与之前散乐百戏进行比较,宋杂剧继承了散乐百戏的演出形式,但也有其特色:戏语滑稽讽刺,有固定演出场所及演出程式,情节复杂化并
摘 要:口风琴作为国家教育行政部门明文规定的课堂乐器,直键盘观,发音标准,音色优美,演奏技术相对较低,可独奏或单独组成乐队,也可配合其它乐器合奏,是比较理想的教学乐器。由于现行小学音乐教材中口风琴教学内容较少,教师在教授时不得不选用教材之外的内容,加重了学生的学习负担。本文提倡合理利用小学音乐教材,将教材中唱歌、鉴赏、多声部教学等内容与口风琴有效结合,使之为课堂音乐教学服务。  关键词:口风琴;小
摘 要:赏识就是一种认可,所谓赏识教育就是对受教育者的一种认可方式,俗话说就是“你行”。本文从信任孩子、尊重孩子、理解孩子、激励孩子、宽容孩子五个方面具体阐述了赏识教育在小学音乐教学课堂中的作用。  关键词:音乐;赏识;艺术  赏识就是一种认可,所谓赏识教育就是对受教育者的一种认可方式,俗话说就是“你行”。  《新课标》的出台,体现了“以人为本”的素质教育精神,《标准》不仅对音乐学科的性质、价值、
电位滴定法是利用电位滴定仪在滴定过程中的电位变化来确定终点的,它可在有色、浑浊或胶态的溶液中进行滴定,分析速度快,分析结果准确,是测定深色或加有添加剂石油产品酸值的理想方法。但是,该试验前期准备工作复杂,测定过程注意事项多,初次操作难度大,试验失败概率高。为了能够成功测得结果,笔者结合多年教学经验,就试验中的难点一一进行解析。  难点一:电极的处理  电极的灵敏性,直接关系到测得电位的准确性和稳定