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世界各国肺癌的发病率和死亡率急剧上升,台湾地区的危险度较他国偏高,尤以女性及年轻男性患者增加最为显著。据最新统计,肺癌在国内癌症排行中,男性居第二、女性居首位。由于肺癌预后情况差,通常诊断发现时已届末期,并且病痛的严重折磨,往往使病人与家人难忍。医界呼吁,民众应多加强对肺癌的健康认知,才能有效远离肺癌之害。引起肺癌的直接病因,至今尚未十分确定,但专家研究分析指出,遗传因素被认为是引发肺癌的主要内在因素,但有些人虽然有遗传基因,却未罹患肺癌,而有些人没有这种遗一、肺癌的致病因素ZHIBI The incidence and mortality of lung cancer in all countries in the world have risen sharply. The risk in Taiwan is higher than that in other countries, especially in women and young men. According to the latest statistics, lung cancer ranked the second in the country in terms of cancer rankings, with women ranking the top. Due to the poor prognosis of lung cancer, the diagnosis is usually the end of the period, and the severe pain of illness, often make the patient and his family unbearable. Medical appeal, the public should strengthen the health awareness of lung cancer, in order to effectively stay away from the damage of lung cancer. The direct cause of lung cancer has not yet been determined, but expert analysis pointed out that genetic factors are considered to be the main intrinsic cause of lung cancer, but although some people have genetic, but did not suffer from lung cancer, and some people do not have this legacy The pathogenic factors of lung cancer
燕山行 闲来踏野燕山行,访古寻幽饶有情。岭树春消增色翠,山花夏始别样红。清溪唱得燕关醉,鸟雀呼来边月明。时越千年伤往事,几朝衰败几朝兴!