
来源 :四川农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:damitanqq
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推广五大技术发展果品生产谢金峰冉从文万县市果树站为了推进果品经济产业化,加快全市果树生产发展,我们针对万县市的实际,制定了一套系统、可操作性强、科学合理的五大先进栽培技术。具体是:一、密植栽培为了尽快提高果树栽培的前期效益,除桃、龙眼等干性强长势快的... Promote the five major technological development of fruit production Xie Jinfeng Ran from the fruit tree station in Wen County In order to promote the industrialization of fruit economy and accelerate the city’s fruit production, we have developed a system for practical, scientific and rational Advanced cultivation techniques. Specifically: First, the close planting cultivation As soon as possible to improve the efficiency of early cultivation of fruit trees, in addition to peach, longan and other dry strong fast growing fast ...
为了大面积推广应用来福灵,1996年7月我站和太原市植保站在太原市南郊区晋源镇蔬菜基地进行了试验示范。 供试药剂5%来福灵乳油由日本住友公司生产;2.5%敌杀死乳油由法国罗素
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Most earth observation satellites(EOSs) are low-orbit satellites equipped with optical sensors that cannot see through clouds. Hence, cloud coverage, high dynamics, and cloud uncertainties are importa
1.早果早丰性 通常2年结果的为极早果性;3年见果为早果性;4~5年见果为中果性;5年以后见果的表现为晚果性。现在栽培的品种多为中果性(4~5年见果)。近几年培育的新品种则大多趋
我是第一个报道陈莉莉的记者 也是惟一旁观莉莉7个多小时变性手术的记者。 手术后的莉莉对我说: 我的残缺童年 对于自己的身世,莉莉似乎讳莫如深。 她生于1980年冬天,变性前
Networked control systems(NCSs)are facing a great challenge from the limitation of network communication resources.Event-triggered control(ETC)is often used to