
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangdd1984
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月季石榴,又名月月石榴、四季石榴。性喜阳光充足,耐寒耐旱,不耐蔽荫,耐修剪,生性强健。在屋顶和阳台上莳养四季石榴,春季嫩芽一遍红,夏季花开红似火,秋季硕果满枝头,冬季石榴不凋谢,它是制作微型、小型、中型盆景良材,也是观花赏果的上佳品种。要莳养好月季石榴盆景,需掌握如下几点:一、选好石榴,制作各型盆景月季石榴当年播种,当年可开花,第二年就可结果。根据这一特点,选用两年生的月季石榴幼苗,在早春发芽前上盆,制作微型盆景,进行蟠扎并适当修剪造型;选三年以上的小树,制作小型盆景,进行艺术加工;选五年以上的树,经过修剪,并加以蟠扎,制作中型盆景。当年上盆的月季石榴盆景基本成型,第二年加强养护,再进行适当的修剪和整形而定型。因月季石榴植株矮,枝细,叶小,节密,易悬根露爪,盘根错节,亦可观花赏果。根据树的长势,可蟠扎成单干式、双干式、斜干式、悬崖式、附石式等盆景。 Rose pomegranate, also known as moon and moon pomegranate, four seasons pomegranate. Sex Sunshine sunny, cold and drought, impatience shading, resistance to pruning, strong sexual health. In the roof and balconies raised four seasons pomegranate, red buds in the spring, the summer flowers red like fire, autumn fruit full branches, winter pomegranate does not wither, it is the production of miniature, small, medium bonsai good material, The best varieties. To raise good pomegranate rose pomegranate bonsai, you need to know the following points: First, select the pomegranate, making all kinds of bonsai planting roses pomegranate year, when the flowering can be the second year results. According to this feature, the perennial pomegranate seedling is selected for use in the early spring to make a miniature bonsai, which is then potted and appropriately trimmed. A small tree with a length of three years or more is to be used for the production of small bonsai trees for artistic processing. Over a year of trees, after pruning, and to be Panza, making medium-sized bonsai. That year on the basin of the moon pomegranate bonsai basic shape, the second year to strengthen conservation, and then proper pruning and shaping and stereotypes. Due to the pomegranate plant is short, fine branches, leaves small, section dense, easy to hang roots and claws, packing errors, but also ornamental flower viewing. According to the growth of the tree, it can be rolled into a single dry, double dry, inclined dry, cliff, stone and other bonsai.
结合已建成通车的国内外第一座单面板拉桥——广东番禺市沙溪大桥介绍了单面板拉桥的设计及其特点。 Combined with the opening of the first single-deck slab at home an
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