
来源 :企业销售 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aquabluesky
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在市场经济条件下,企业必须适应外界宏观环境的变化,生意才能欣欣向荣。航空工业总公司武汉仪表厂是国内最早研究、生产、销售水处理设备的厂家。该厂多年来,以满足用户需求为己任。70年代初期,率先研制电镀污水处理设备,倍受环保界、用户青睐。随后又陆续推出医院污水、漂染废水、煤气废水、生活污水、游泳池水等水处理设备,满足不同用户的需求。1988年,该厂又进行市场延伸,研制成功国内第一台大型次氧酸钠发生装置,用于电厂、电站循环水处理系统,行销国内外。该厂还开发食品饮料、高纯水设备、生化制药、苦咸水淡化所需的超滤和反渗透装置。1993年,该厂获取一条信息:“人们消费新动态:太空水取代矿泉水。”立即派人去深圳了解市场行情,寻找太空水标准资料,了解罐装机械等生产线系统配套设备;当年投产,三年来承接太空水生产线(设备)13条,创造销售收入超过1000万元。针对不同的细分市场,设计生产经营不同的产品,满足消费者不同需求,是企业成功之路。 Under the conditions of a market economy, businesses must adapt to changes in the external macro environment, and businesses will flourish. Aviation Industry General Corporation Wuhan Instrument Factory is the earliest research, production, and sales of water treatment equipment manufacturers. For many years, the plant has been committed to meeting the needs of users. In the early 1970s, it took the lead in the development of electroplating wastewater treatment equipment, which has attracted much attention from the environmental protection community and users. Subsequently, water treatment equipment such as hospital sewage, bleaching and dyeing wastewater, coal gas wastewater, domestic sewage and swimming pool water were successively launched to meet the needs of different users. In 1988, the plant also extended its market and successfully developed the first large-scale sodium hypochlorite generator in China. It was used in power plants and power station circulating water treatment systems and was sold at home and abroad. The plant also develops ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis devices for food and beverage, high-purity water equipment, biochemical pharmaceuticals, and brackish water desalination. In 1993, the plant acquired a message: “New developments in people’s consumption: Space water replaces mineral water.” Immediately sent people to Shenzhen to understand the market conditions, to find space water standard data, and to understand the production line system supporting equipment such as canned machinery; Put into production, took 13 space water production lines (equipment) for three years and created sales revenue of over 10 million yuan. For different market segments, designing and producing different products to meet the different needs of consumers is the road to success.
环境污染除了影响建筑物的外观与表层以外,还大大地影响了结构的耐久性。纯净的空气中含有0.03%的 CO_2。环境的污染使空气中的 CO_2含量增加。世界人口的快速增长,资源和能
题目:张妍从班级银行里取钱,第一次取出存款的一半少5元捐给希望工程,第二次取出余下的一半多10元捐给福利院,还剩125元。张妍原来存钱多少元?  看到题目,我一时找不到头绪,不过如果把原来的存款这个整体看作是x元的话,那么第一次取出的是(x-5)元,第二次取出的是([x-(x-5)] × +10)元。我用方程可以这样算:(x-5)+{[x-( x-5)] ×+10}+125=x。  哇!这么复杂,
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海纳百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,无欲则刚——林则徐导语: 一个现代企业更深刻的内涵是表现在它拥有一个以企业家精神为主宰,由员工接受并为之奋斗的企业文化,从而在企业内形成
盐城市第二制药厂是创办于1971年的县属小型企业,1990年产值仅500万元,利税50万元.近年来, The Yancheng Second Pharmaceutical Factory was established in 1971 as a cou