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事业有成的恒久特钢公司经理罗吉平在评价自己时,总爱把他比喻成一棵草,一滴水,一粒米。生活中的他一向低调。有人说他资产千万怎么会是一棵草、一滴水、一粒米呢?其实别人看到的是罗吉平辉煌的今天,而没有看到罗吉平的过去。只要翻开罗吉平的履历,不难理解他对自己的定位。一罗吉平出生于丹阳镇一个农民家庭,他当过兵,当过调度员,开过拖拉机 Luo Ji-ping, the manager of a successful permanent steel company, always compared him to a grass, a drop of water and a grain of rice when evaluating himself. He has always been a low profile in life. Some people say that his assets will be a grass, a drop of water, a grain of rice? In fact, what others see is Luo Jiping’s brilliant today, but did not see Luo Jiping’s past. Just open the record of Luo Jiping, it is easy to understand his position on their own. A Luo Jiping was born in a peasant family in Danyang, he was a soldier, worked as a dispatcher, driving through the tractor
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The segmentation of moving and non-moving regions in an image within the field of crowd analysis is a crucial process in terms of understanding crowd behavior.