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长征期间,红一方面军曾在仁化境内突破了国民党军精心设置的第二道封锁线,摧毁敌军设在仁化境内的碉堡26座,使红军得以进行短暂的休整,为继续北上创造了条件。红军长征在仁化县播下了革命的种子,留下了许许多多可歌可泣的英雄故事。近日,记者一行在仁化重走长征路,沿着革命先烈们长征的足迹,去寻找那永恒的记忆…… During the Long March, the Red Army in the territory of Renhua had broken through the second cordoned off cordon of the Kuomintang army and destroying 26 bunkers built in Renhua territory during the Long March, enabling the Red Army to take a short break and create the conditions for continuing northward. . The Long March of the Red Army sown the seeds of revolution in Renhua County, leaving behind many heroic epic stories. Recently, the reporter and his entourage re-took the long march in Renhua and searched for the eternal memory along the footsteps of the revolutionary martyrs.
对于小学生来说,作文是令人望而生畏的事情,一提起笔就抓耳挠腮,觉得无内容可写,写来的作文,语言不生动,干巴巴的,内容不具体,缺乏想像力,甚至题材千篇一律,难以表达真情实感,针对这些问题,如何来提高小学生的写作能力呢?下面我就这一问题浅显地谈几点看法。  一、激发学生写作兴趣  1.让学生写熟悉的内容,以"趣"激趣  我认为习作教学时,可以在生活中寻找学生比较感兴趣的素材。以前,辅导学生写作文,为了
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BASIC巧妙地将楚国的艺术成果,融入现代时尚,体现出品牌文化的个性内涵:硬朗、奢华、进取、文化。 BASIC cleverly combines the artistic achievements of Chu Kingdom int
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