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提高自身素养对于领导同志来讲,是提高工作水平和工作能力的前提,是实现个人进步和事业发展的必要条件,更是适应时代发展和社会进步的必然要求。在提高自身素养的过程中,需要处理好这样几个关系。雷厉风行与严谨细致的关系对于领导于部而言,雷厉风行的作风是一个觉悟问题,也就是工作有没有热情、有没有激情、有没有主动性的问题。能否做到雷厉风行,反映了领导者的能力和水平。而严谨细致的作风,就是做事前不怕困难,不怕麻烦,深入调查研究,全面了解情况后再做出正确判断、决策和周密部署,在开展工作时有程序、有章法。倡导雷厉风行的作风,并不是简单地否定严谨细致的工作态度,因为与雷厉风行相对立的,是工作拖拖拉拉;倡导严谨细致的作风,并不是否定雷厉风行的态度,因为与严谨细致相对立的,是工作粗心大意。所以,要正确处理两者的关系,就是要在雷厉风行的同时,努力做到严谨细致,既不能因为雷厉风行而大意,也不能 To improve their own literacy for leading comrades, is to improve the level of work and ability to work premise, is to achieve the necessary conditions for personal progress and career development, but also adapt to the inevitable requirements of the development of the times and social progress. In improving their own quality of the process, we need to deal with such a few relationships. Vigorous and rigorous and meticulous relationship For the leadership of the Ministry, the vigorous and resolute style is a matter of consciousness, that is, there is no enthusiasm for the work, there is no passion, there is no initiative issue. Can be done resolutely, reflecting the ability and level of the leader. The rigorous and meticulous work style is that before doing things are not afraid of difficulties, do not bother, in-depth investigation and study, a comprehensive understanding of the situation and then make the correct judgments, decision-making and careful deployment, in the work process, the rules and regulations. To advocate a vigorous and resolute style of work is not to simply deny the rigorous and meticulous work attitude because the opposite of vigorous and resolute work is a result of strenuous efforts. Advocating rigorous and meticulous workmanship does not negate the vigorous and resolute attitude. Rather than being rigorous and meticulous, Is careless work. Therefore, to properly handle the relationship between the two is to be vigorous and meticulous at the same time, and strive to be rigorous and meticulous, neither because of vigorous and forceless, nor
1 主离合器系统液压系统(图1)常见故障是结合、分离动作不灵,主要原因及排除方法如下: (1) 液压泵供油不足,造成压力上不去,使液压推力减小,不能使离合器正常结合、分离,且
嫁给有钱的男人:   食有鱼,出有车,豪华别墅,锦衣丽服,珠围翠绕,暗香弥漫,这种日子应该很不错吧?可是,男人挣钱需要时间和精力,有钱的男人不是锱铢必较的商人,就是忙于应酬的权贵。商人的脑子里充满利益,每天算计投入和产出,缺乏温馨。许多年前的那个江州司马早已看透了这种男人的本质——重利轻别离。  有钱男人的脑子里充满关系,每天衡量着该和谁近,该和谁远,缺乏柔情。有钱的男人往往没时间,会将女人冷落一
. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the survival estimates and clinico-pathological variables in patients treated for borderline ovarian tumors. Methods