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文章要写准确,这是十分重要的。叶圣陶先生说得好:‘鲜明性,生动性跟准确性分不开。所写的东西如果具有充分的准确性,也就具有鲜明性生动性了。’又说:‘在准确性之外还要提出鲜明性和生动性,为的是给充分的准确性提供保证。’(叶圣陶《语文教育论集》)正因为如此,我们在整个语文教学过程中,应首先强调准确性,积极引导学生在准确性上下一番功夫。目前中学生的作文普遍存在的一个毛病就是缺乏准确性。原因是多方面的,但同教师引导不得法,甚至路子不对有关。如有的教师只在讲说明文时才稍为强调用词的准确性,平时更多地是强调词语的美丽、生动,甚至为了丰富学生的词语,要求学生死记硬背;评价作文的好坏,也往往偏于看词语是否‘丰富’、‘生动’,不看或少看是否写得准确、恰当。这实际上就是引导学生去片面追求生动性而舍弃准确性。那么,怎样解决这个问题呢?我认为,首先,把强调准确性贯穿到讲读课的各个环节中。从预习开始,就要求学生把课文中用得十分准确、恰当的一些词语划出来。串讲和分析课文,可以抓住几个(一次不宜过多)突出的词语来说明其准确性。这 It is very important to write an accurate article. Mr. Ye Shengtao put it well: ’vividness, vividness and accuracy can not be separated. If you write something that is sufficiently accurate, it will be vivid and vivid. He added: ’In addition to the accuracy of the statement should be clear and vivid, in order to provide sufficient assurance of accuracy. Because of this, we should emphasize the accuracy of the entire Chinese teaching process, and actively guide students to make some efforts in accuracy. At present, a common problem of middle school students’ compositions is the lack of accuracy. There are many reasons for this, but it is related to the teacher’s incapacity and even the wrong way. Some teachers only emphasize the accuracy of the words only when they are in the narrative. They usually emphasize the beauty and vividness of the words, and even enrich the students’ words and require students to memorize; evaluation of composition is good or bad Often tend to see the words are ’rich’, ’vivid’, do not look or see if it is accurate, appropriate. This is actually to guide students to go one-sided pursuit of vividness and give up the accuracy. So, how to solve this problem? I think, first of all, to emphasize the accuracy of reading through the various links. From the beginning of the preview, students are required to draw very precise and appropriate words out of the text. Explain and analyze the text, you can seize a few (once not too much) prominent words to illustrate its accuracy. This
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