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尼日利亚联邦共和国位于非洲大陆西部,北界尼日尔和乍得,西临贝宁,南濒几内亚湾,东接喀麦隆,面积92.4万平方公里,人口1.3亿(1994年估计数),约占全非人口的1/5,居非洲首位。 独立以来,尼日利亚的经济发展取得了长足的进步。70年代后,尼依靠巨额的石油美元建立了石油化工和钢铁等数百个大型企业,改善了港口、机场、道路等基础设施,为其成为黑非洲的“经济巨人”奠定了基础。但尼在经济发展过程中也存在不少问题,如农业发展缓慢,经济严重依赖石油工 The Federal Republic of Nigeria is located in the western part of the African continent, in the northern border of Niger and Chad, west of Benin, south of the Gulf of Guinea and east of Cameroon with an area of ​​924,000 square kilometers and a population of 130 million (estimated in 1994), accounting for a total non-population 1/5, ranking first in Africa. Since independence, the economic development in Nigeria has made great strides. After the 1970s, Nepal built hundreds of large-scale enterprises like petrochemicals and steel with huge oil dollars and improved infrastructures such as ports, airports and roads, laying the foundation for becoming the “economic giant” in Black Africa. However, there are still many problems in the process of economic development, such as the slow development of agriculture and the severe dependence of the petroleum industry on the economy
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狗、猫、鸡、鸭等家禽、家畜,只要早期发现牲畜误食农药(乐果、甲胺磷等),可就地取鲜人掌一块(视牧畜大小取相应的量),打碎、切碎都可以,再用手指或器具 Dogs, cats, chick