
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rangdeqian
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不可否认,中国企业经过二十余年的发展历程,还有太多问题需要解决,太多观念需要更新,太大差距需要跨越。唯有对症下药,方能治根校本。在本专题刊发的两篇文章中,前一篇通过对全国企业管理现状的调查,从宏观上分析了企业管理存在的六大症状,开出了七贴药方;后一篇立足微观,针对“泰罗制”的弊端,提出了全新的“岗次动态管理体系”。 Admittedly, after more than two decades of development of Chinese enterprises, there are still too many problems that need to be solved, too many concepts need to be updated, and too large a gap needs to be crossed. Only the right remedy, can cure root school. In the two articles published in this topic, the first one through the survey of the current state of enterprise management in China, macroscopic analysis of the six symptoms of business management, out of seven stickers prescription; the latter based on microscopic “Taylor's system,” the drawbacks, put forward a new “posts dynamic management system.”
本文主要结合工程实际,介绍了土钉墙在地下室基坑支护中的应用。 This paper mainly combined with the engineering practice, introduces the application of soil nailin
[案例] 1997年12月,某管理公司在证券登记公司开立了法人股票交易账户。并于3日后在证券公司开立了资金账户,并办理了指定交易手续。同年,某管理公司将30000万元存入该账户
In the era of knowledge-driven economy, the manpower capital is the most active factor of production and core of social economic development. This text proceed
本文对建筑施工过程中的工程造价管理、工程项目成本控制与分析进行了阐述。 This article elaborates the project cost management in construction process, project cos
最终得分:4.312分上届排名6 排名上升5位,成为2004年度中国最具影响力的企业领袖。 与去年比较,两个综合指标中,个人影响力上升,排在 Final score: 4.312 points The last r