Synthesis of Co-silicides and fabrication of microwave power device using MEVVA source implantation

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shiqiuqiu100
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Co synthesis silicides with good properties were prepared using MEVVA ion implantation with flux of 25-125μA/cm2 to does of 5×1017/cm2. The structure of the silicides was investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). TEM analysis shows that if the ion dose is greater than 2×1017/cm2, a continuous silicide layer will be formed. The sheet resistance of Co silicide decreases with an increase in ion flux and ion dose. The formation of silicides with CoSi and CoSi2 are identified by XRD analysis. After annealing, the sheet resistance decreases further. A continuous silicide layer with a width of 90-133 nm is formed. The optimal implantation condition is that the ion flux and dose are 50μA/cm2 and 5×1017/cm2, respectively. The optimal annealing temperature and time are 900℃ and 10 s, respectively. The ohmic contact for power microwave transistors is fabricated using Co ion implantation technique for the first time. The emitter contact resistance and noise of the t Co synthesis silicides with good properties were prepared using MEVVA ion implantation with flux of 25-125 μA / cm 2 to do 5 × 10 17 / cm 2. The structure of the silicides was investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy ) TEM analysis shows that if the ion dose is greater than 2 × 10 17 / cm 2, a continuous silicide layer will be formed. The sheet resistance of Co silicide decreases with an increase in ion flux and ion dose. The formation of silicides with CoSi The optimal implantation condition is that the ion flux and dose are 50 μA / cm 2 and 5 × 1017 / cm2, respectively. The optimal annealing temperature and time are 900 ° C and 10 s, respectively. The ohmic contact for power microwave transistors is fabricated using Co ion implantation technique for the first time. The emitter contact resistanc e and noise of the t
·研究与开发·用扫描仪测定影像清晰度和模量传递函数………………………… ………………………………朱军,赵省绪,谢海泉,等(1—3)基于DC磁场的磁畴扩大读出技术……………
葛洲坝水利枢纽 1 #船闸 1 990年开始运行以来 ,闸室底板淤积大量泥砂 ,下闸首右门槽和闸底板出现裂缝、闸室渗水 ,不利于正常运行。在 1 999年 1月至 4月 ,对船闸进行全面检
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