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在科技飞速发展的时代,教学的改革,技术的更新,是当前形势的需要。因此,让多媒体逐渐走进课堂,成为教学的重要辅助手段,可以增强学生的实践能力,培养学生的创新能力。同时,也日益影响着教师的教学行为方式。合理运用多媒体,更是现代教师的必备素质。它能有效地提高教育教学质量。通过几年的教学实践,笔者认为多媒体在教学中有以下几点作用: In the era of rapid development of science and technology, the reform of teaching and the updating of technology are the needs of the current situation. Therefore, let multimedia gradually into the classroom, become an important teaching aid, can enhance students ’practical ability, develop students’ innovative ability. At the same time, it also increasingly affects teachers’ teaching behavior. Rational use of multimedia, it is the essential qualities of modern teachers. It can effectively improve the quality of education and teaching. After several years of teaching practice, I believe that multimedia in teaching has the following functions:
Clever Bobby Brown was very proud of his young son.Once he was talking to a visitor,telling the man how clever his son was.“The boy is only two years old,”he
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China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC) re-cently announced that it produced 60.23 million tons of crude oil in the overseas market for 2007,rising more tha
◎一条济水蜿蜒入海,济水之阳即为济阳。总面积1076平方公里,人口53万,济阳是全国粮食、畜牧生产基地,山东省蔬菜、水果、水产生产基地,更是山东省著名的工业基地 ◎ a mean
中国之大 ,范围之广 ,奇花异草珍稀动物之多令世人刮目相看。随着人们生活水平的不断提高 ,旅游观念的更新 ,环保意识的加强 ,我国出现了众多的自然保护区 ,现略谈如下 :一、